Date women from United States / Arkansas / Paragould, 59 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Faithful friend
always like to smile
my kids
the Lord
down to earth
little bit of this little bit of that
doing silly things make me laugh
friendship and then you just never know
I just want to enjoy life share things.. I dont want to get in a rut..I like to sit out side at night.. I love a cook a good meal for someone.. Im not wild just want to be happy

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I am divorced since 1978--but have had serious relationships since then I am happy and ok with being alone--but company is very welcomed. I grew up all over the world. I was born in Japan, my oldest sister was born in New Jersy, and little sister in Germany--we were Daddys Jap, damn yankee and Kraut and he called us his Wac Dettachment. I am an optmist and enjoy good company. I am a social drinker and would really like to one day travel to California's wine country or even more adventurioust--travel in Europe. I loved going with my parents to the Octoberfest in Germany. The person I hope to attract, would be kindhearted and nonviolent. I would like someone with good values who is considerate of others--not just to me. Someone who is gentle with little babies and little old ladies. I would like for them to be adventerious and fun loving--but also have a serious side to them, I am ready for what ever comes my way--are you ready?