Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 65 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. As you see I am 65 years old, divorce and I have no children. I am not happywith this situation in my life, so I came to this site to find my future wife. Iam strong willed, well educated, intelligent, a true gentleman, passionate andvery sexual. I work hard at everything I do and I do not accept failure. I keepmyself in good physical condition and enjoy many outdoor activities. I am warm,affectionate, caring, respectful , honest and faithful. ...

Meet someone special from Tucson, United States. My real friends would describe me as VERY funny, which is not always a good thing, since I can be funny and irreverent at a hospital.
There are just so many opportunities to ad-lib in life. I am considered intelligent, witty, Unique, well spoken and well read, well informed, kind to some people and all animals. If you like to hunt Bambi and friends I'm not for you!
I respect intelligent authority! I like to get things done, to find a solution to the problem. In case it matters, I am a Realtor, but even there I am a little "unique" as I am one of the very few "Buyer's Agents" in the city. I never work with sellers, only those people who need help in finding a home! It's impossible to serve two masters ( Sellers and buyers ), so I won't do that! And, guess what, I'm proud to say I'm really good at what I do. I get a lot of satisfaction and fullfillment in finding people a new home. That is a big deal for most people, and I get a big kick out of it! I'm very flexible in my likes as to what to do for fun. If you like, write me and I will email you a list.
I do confess to playing Golf! Sorry! Being a Realtor gives me a lot of flexibility with my schedule, since it is MY schedule, so I'm able to work around anyone elses schedule when it comes to dating! Using the internet to find someone is becoming more common now, and since I don't do the "bar" scene, This approach may actually work! That would be a surprise but a pleasant one.
Sometimes I feel that if God wanted me to have a "girlfriend" he would issue me one! But, like the story goes about the guy who was angry with God, because the guy never won the lottery...God told him that he should have at least bought a lottery ticket! So, the internet is my lottery ticket, so to speak!
This is the section that is impossible for me, since the real world doesn't work this way. You don't get to "design" a real "match". My likes and dislikes are so wide and varied, the computer would run out of room! I do appreciate honesty and humor, and the rest is up in the air! A shallow and superficial match can be defined on paper, by the way, and walking thru life, one can observe a great many of those! But I choose not to do that. I go back to my original "statement", and that is/was "If God wants me to meet the proper match , He'll issue me one", and probably when I least expect it!
Hopefully being on the web is a way of helping the search.I've done so many things/activities in my life, and been to so many places that I can usually find something in common with virtually anyone! And that's a good way to start! At least I can have a "fun" conversation with most people.
If "you, the reader" are interested and curious, you can send me a list of specific questions and I would be delighted to answer them, truthfully and candidly, as it were. Let's "talk" and discover the possibilities! I like to say that it is the company and not the activity that is special in a relationship. It's easy to make a list of "things to do" but you MUST enjoy the one you're with, irregardless of the activity. Truth In Advertising...If you even remotely liked Dubya and you like Mittens then you WON"T like me. Simple as that.
UPDATE...Dubya is gone. A little late and most of the economy with him and his ilk but maybe we can pick up the pieces together.

Date a man from Tucson, United States. funny sexy and who needs to show these attributes alot. someone who wants another person in their life, a mate, a connection. i love to kiss and hold and would need the same from a mate.i hate being sad and now i just want to be happy. i wa nt someone to make me happy keep me happy and i will gladly do the same for you

Meet single man from Tucson, United States. I like good conversation,time spent. I liked riding my harley. Go to mountains, look over city checking out animals. Lights.and.traffic in city. Like good movies scfi, swords fighting. Also do sword fighting at renassance.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I live by a code that if you can't laugh at yourself, you take yourself too seriously. So I laugh a lot. Indeed, I try to find humor, fun and intelligence in everything I do, and hope to find the right woman who shares these traits. I enjoy sports and competition, not for profit, but for the pure enjoyment of it. Climbed Rainier in 1983, but now mostly gawk at serious mountaineering. I won't live in a big city, as I much prefer a rural setting, away from traffic, where birds, animals and plants can be appreciated. As you'll learn if we meet, I'm passionate in whatever I do. I'm well-travelled, yet still hunger for new experiences and vistas.
I'm new at this, so pardon me if I don't elaborate at this time. We can do that later. I'm not going to talk about love just now, either, as that's something that must be developed over time and may vary between individuals.
Life is short. Let's just see where things go...

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. yepper ,life liberty &persuit of happyness .smiles of all sizes good looking foxes makes my heart jump a beat hunting buddys have written accounts of memmorable fishing hunting trips .western art use metal horseshoes to show my artistic ablity .widdowed socil life .i'm dealing with diabetic issue ,no booze in control eat healthy .2.0 miles 3 times a week .walking my choclet lab .were a team she walks her self .aside me gun trained 9 years old but shes loved greatful for health .attract good looking women educated .happy in there own skin .&low maintance ,i respect them treat with utmost kindness learn to be a lover .i'll never be alona way out in arizona

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I'am somewhat of a domestic God (is there such a thing?), I do all household chores and my main goal is to raise my 14 year old daughter. She has a very good mother and I don't need a replacement for that, just someone to treat her kindly should you ever meet. I'am really nice and somewhat of a caretaker. I'am a romantic. I enjoy love songs and long slow dances. I'am also handy. I enjoy sports but also understand that the remote control is not an appendage and can be put down without disaster striking. I'am a good listener and can converse on most any topic. I have a good sense of humor.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I'm a nice guy with an outgoing personality who loves to have fun and isn't reluctant to laugh at myself. I'm 65 and divorced with 2 grown kids who live outside of Arizona. I'm flexible in terms of relationships and the level of commitment required. My goal is to enjoy my life and spend time with people who also want to be happy and enjoy life. I am not reluctant to begin a committed relationship and I am looking forward to the possibility of meeting a great match through this website. I am very people oriented and enjoy just about any type of social activity. I love pets and have 2 dogs.
Most of my work career has pertained to the financial servuces industry where I worked in business lending positions and in senior management roles. I got out of it at the end of 2008 after becoming fed up with the poor attitude most large banks have developed in regards to their clients. I have now affiliated on a part time basis with a small business consulting firm. I enjoy working and surrounding myself with all types of people but I also know it is important to strive for balance in life style so I'm also focusing heavily on my personal life.
If I were to begin a committed relationship, I would like my partner to be an independent personality who is an equal partner and is not reluctant to speak her mind. I am not a controlling person and I don't think a couple has to be carbon copies of each other to make a relatiionship work. But it does take commitment, caring, compromise and work. I respect other people, their independence and life choices.
I sincerely enjoy people in general and like just about any type of social setting. I love to have fun and I'm looking forward to this match effort and the possibility of enjoying a long term committed relationship.

Date a soulmate from United States. Buona Sera. There you are sitting over at the corner table. I’ve been trying to get up enough nerve to come over and say hello all night. So, here I am. My name is Jerry. I am 65 and still trying to figure out what that means. I’ve lived in Tucson for 9 years. I came out from Texas after spending 25 years there. I guess that makes me a cowboy emeritus. I am originally from San Diego. I love the ocean. I love the sunset. I love a parade. I love to dance. Regarding the latter: what I lack in skill I make up in barbarian enthusiasm. I am the network administrator at a private school in Tucson and love the large and small people I work with.
I am a writer on the side. I will be submitting a memoir for publishing in June. I have worked on it for seven years so am ready to give birth. I am uncomfortable with having had to say the word I so many times in this essay. But dating profiles are a lopsided conversation. I (there I go again) am an omniverous reader and also a bit of a folk musician. Politically I am a liberal but I prefer the word pragmatist. I exercise regularly. Love to swim and take long walks on the beach. There we are, you and me, hand in hand, on la playa at Cabo San Lucas. Can I buy you are margarita? A daiquiri? An Orange Julius? A smoothie? Hey, we can dream.
I am studying Spanish. Estoy aprendiendo pero muy lentamente. I am left-brained analytical. I suspect I have the soul of a clown. I am very easy going. I believe in God. I just don’t know his name. I have for years, worked with ideas from Buddhism, Vedanta, and contemplative Christianity. I don't smoke. "No way" is a bit too judgemental for my tastes. But a number of people were thinking "no answer" means I smoke so I changed it. OK, enough about me. Now I’d like to know about you.
I would like to meet someone who is thoughtful, perceptive, well-read, sensual, adventurous, affectionate and enjoys the same. Someone who enjoys moonlight drives or squirming in giddy affection on the couch. Someone who loves to laugh. Someone who forgives incomplete sentences.

Meet someone special from United States. I have been athletic...used to run marathons.
Now stay near wife to see to her needs.
Hope to get walking and traveling again...
WHEN the LORD takes wife.
Would love to meet BBW who enjoys concerts (classic rock, etc) to one day travel local area with.

Date a man from United States. I've met some really nice women but still looking for that special someone who makes my heart pound. I've learned to trust my instincts and know pretty quickly if sparks are possible. I'd really like to find the last great love of my life, if possible. But this is about the journey, not the goal. At least that's what I've been told. I guess I must "believe" in the idea of a soul mate because I'm still looking.
My ideal match is self-assured, confident, independent and open-minded about everything. She’d have a great sense of humor and a delightfully playful, perhaps even wicked, glint in her eye. She'll have an adventurous spirit and positive outlook with a curiosity about people and the world. We’ll enjoy spending lots of time together but enjoy time apart as well.
I consider myself “semi-retired” from the pharmaceutical industry and will probably never adopt a truly "retired" lifestyle. I started in research and development but spent most of my career in computer technology supporting clinical development. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle and try to get as much exercise as I can. I try to eat healthy foods but still enjoy a tender filet mignon from time to time. Love to try new and exotic things once in a while. I love sushi, too!
I enjoy hiking, exploring, reading, movies, photography, and astronomy. I love dining out, especially finding new holes-in-the-wall places with wonderful food, but also enjoy cooking myself. I like to experiment in the kitchen and would love having you join me. You never know what we might cook up! I look forward to learning about your passions and acquiring new interests that we might share. I spend a lot of time with my daughter, son-in-law, and my 4 year old grandson and am certainly willing to spend time with your family as well.
Finally, I’m looking for someone who's comfortable in their own skin and isn't afraid of new experiences. Someone with the heart of an explorer and the soul of a poet. We can show each other places the other has never seen before.
If you like James Taylor’s music perhaps you’re familiar with his tune “The Secret of Life”. If the lyrics resonate with you, perhaps we should meet.

Meet single man from United States. I'm a down to earth person looking to chat or talk to. She must open and honest as i will try to be to her. She must have a good sense of humor. Don't like material people, what they are worth means nothing to me. It's what's inse them and their character