Date women from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 36 year old - page 2

Date a woman from United States. I can hang with the guys and have been titled "Coolest girl in the world" by quite a few guys.
I was raised here, spent 11 years in the Boston area and I moved back 4 years ago. I teach ballet, perform throughout the valley and run my own ballet company. I love all of my projects and classes for various reasons. I like juggling my free time with yoga, ballroom dancing, chilling out, going to festivals, movies and trying new restaurants.
IРІР‚в„ўm really good at multi-tasking, giving REALLY good gifts, listening, making people laugh, quick wit, and making gluten free waffles. Being one of the guys, and sexy at the same time. Hanging out at ANY venue and having fun.
I desperately need:
Hot water
My kids
My nanny
Clean air .
I love: Supporting the arts, supporting my friends in their activities, spending quality family time, saving the environment, supporting various anti-violence organizations, music, good food, performing and teaching, Traveling! I never vacation to a place where English is spoken. International music and cuisine. I've lived in South America and that year changed my life. I recently took 4 other sky diving virgins on our first jump and loved it. I'll try most anything once and like to take risks.
I spend a lot of time thinking about:
What am I doing that is positively impacting the world, the future my kids will be adults in, why don't Jedi's really exist, Who was the genius who messed up the accoustics at Gammage Auditorium, Why can't we all marry who we want, if there are people contributing to societ, then who cares where they were born? .
On a typical Friday night I am
Eating pizza and watching a movie on the couch with my kids. Now ask me about Saturday!
Contact me if:
You are physically fit and enjoy staying in shape, can make me laugh on a daily basis, are passionate about life and take risks, are comfortable at the theater, sports games, hanging on the couch, eating sushi, have lots of your own personal and close friends and are comfortable in your own skin. I love quick wit. I'm a sucker for smartasses. I'm very sweet and like to add humor to a situation. I love to laugh and make fun of myself. I like looking at a particular situation from another angle and putting myself in others's shoes. I also have one of the biggest hearts out there. I'm looking for someone with the wit for banter, who has his own life and wants me, not needs me, and who is happy with what they are doing with their life. I have a full time, live-in nanny, so getting out at night isn't a problem.

Meet someone special from United States. About me? Hummmm... I am a very chill person always down for legal mischief. I find the company I keep is always the key to having a great time. My career has always been important to me. My last gig was as the HR / PR Manager for a CBS affliate television station and so what should that tell you? I am just sort of awesome. ;) I just relocated to Arizona from the East Coast and LOVE the weather & adventure here.Ohhh let's see what else? I can play ANY sport. I was raised in an athletic family and I am very competitive. I love to be out and trying and doing things! Life is too short to be sitting idle all the time... although I do like to sit home and chill as well with a good movie. I have never been one for drama as well as I am a very independent woman. I perform stand-up comedy for fun and would rate my ability to cheer people up and make them laugh in my top 5 things that make me stand out. The other 4 things? Guess you will have to email me to find out? I am not one for bars or nightclubs to find someone to date but to go out and have fun? Of course... :) I just came on match to see what an online dating venue is like. Ohhh and one more teensy weensy thing; I am a TRUE Red Sox fan and if I never see Fenway again it will crush my heart.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am not so sure about this but it is.....I am quiet in a crowd until I get to know people then I can talk quite a bit. I love to be outdoors any time of the year......especially in the summer. I am very easy going and get along with just about anyone. I would like to find someone who can make me laugh and who can appreciate the little things in life that really matter. I don't have family in town and I miss them very much. My daughter is my world and we love to play together! I am not that mom to go to the park and just sit and watch her play. I am not a huge fan of the bar scene, its okay once in a while but I feel that I am getting a bit old for that. I would rather get up early and have a productive day then stay up late. I am an animal lover and my dog hikes and runs with me quite a bit. I am usually a very active person and I do not sit still very well....unless its on the beach! I can listen to the waves all day. I like to stay pretty busy and am always looking for new hiking spots. I love to do road races but trail running is my favorite. Currently am training for my next marathon...wish me luck!

Meet a woman from Scottsdale, United States. Hi, I'm a bit new at this but here goes...I am someone who sees the good in all things and all situations. I find men most attractive when they are kind to themselves and others, who respect their parents, and are healthy and full of life. I am looking for a partner who values not only physical beauty, but also a woman who is good hearted, independent and has luster for life. My daughter is the biggest joy in my life. I would lay down my life for her, but I also think its important to maintain my own sense of self.
I am most proud of creating my own business that helps others to be happy and healthy. I am passionate about my work, creating music, being connected to my God-Self, and the Art of Conscious Manifestation. I have learned whatever triggers me is my personal issue and whatever triggers you is yours. I am very self sufficient, love to explore new ideas, new places, and I like to keep a lighthearted approach to life. I believe in living life in full expression and to always be open to learning and new experiences.
I don't need someone to 'take care' of me, I want a partnership where we can take care of each other and share in eachothers successes. Kindness, Honesty, Respect of Self and others is what turns me on the most. Also chivalry and someone who is comfortable in their own skin and who knows their true sense of happiness comes from within.

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I am looking for someone to enjoy life with....a last call of the day. Someone to share my joys and excitement with and who can share their's with me. Someone who notices the little things I do and who does the same. Someone who dances with me in the kitchen as we are making dinner. Someone who takes pleasure in the simplicity of life. Someone who at the end of the week is happy to just go out on the patio and have a beer or glass of wine and talk about what happened that week. Someone who shows respect, is reliable, honest and has integrity. Someone who can disagree with me or even have a fight (let's be realistic - it happens) but who can come back and compromise and say "I'm sorry". Someone who loves me even on my bad days. A guys guy.

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. Hmm, about me – friends tell me that I am happy go lucky, can talk to just about anyone and have a great attitude. My favorite things are to hang out with my family, be outdoors and read a good book. I grew in Southern California – sailing – and am hoping to restart that hobby this summer.
I’d like to find someone who likes to travel – I used to live in Ireland - enjoys being outdoors and is up for a stress-free fun time.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. About me? Umm goes....
I am an independant woman who is looking for someone to have fun with. When I say have fun.. I mean..someone I'm able to laugh with, someone be myself with, and someone that I enjoy spending my time with! Hopefully, it will develop into something more serious, but that takes time... So let's have fun and see what happens!
I'm over the bar scene, but still like to go out and have a good time with my friends. Dive bars are my favorite...I like playing pool and darts (although I will be the first to admit..I'm not great at either.....BUT I try!!!). Occasionally, I feel like going to a club and going dancing... only when the mood stikes!
Basically, I am a fun chick to hang out with! Lol :P
I like football, hockey and baseball. and hanging out with the guys. I can play fantasy football! In again this year! I'm not that great...But it's fun!!
I also like to be girlie too and I dress up nice! And I do dress up nice!! :p
I am independant..sometimes to a fault. I am honest...also sometimes to a fault. I say what I think, and mean what I say. Must be the sagittarius sign, right?
Even so? I'm a pretty basic girl, who's down to earth, who wants to enjoy life,and find happiness.. With the right person!
I am originally from upstate NY, but have been in AZ for the last 13 years. I love the sun and wish to never have to shovel snow ever again in my life! I moved here because I had never visited a place that has sunshine for 14 days in a row! Soon as I got home and off the plane in NY? Grey skys, cold and rainy........ 2 weeks later, my car was packed and I drove out to AZ!
I can sometimes be extremely spontaneous.... but only when I know its the right thing to do.. in my heart and soul.
Recently I decided on a Friday to jump on a plane and fly to SD for the weekend! Crazy thing to do, for sure! Especially for a woman to do by herself..... But it was also something I needed to do for myself. I needed to see the ocean and feel the sand between my toes. I felt peaceful again!
I would like to find someone who is willing to be spontaneous, and have fun with me! ..... but I also want romantic, nice, respectful, and caring.
Some of my favorite things to do are: hanging out with friends and family and those close to me.....
traveling (I collect sand and want to collect sand from every beach)=I love the beach!,
BBQ ing,
hanging by the pool,
wine tasting,
trying new restaurants,
comedy shows,
playing darts and pool.
I also like staying home and watching a movie and snuggling up!
I just haven't found the right person who likes all the same things...and can introduce me to even more new adventures!
Well? I know there's so much more to talk about... but I'm done.
Email if you'd like to find out more.... :)

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a good company,funny,i like bars ,pool,boats,bikes.I want a casual relationship.i am so sexy,warm,lokingfor a real man,that make laugh and have fun.I want a independent man, economic secure,without big responsability.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a part of all that I have touched an all that has touched me. I'm an independent, outgoing, confident, and goal orietated southern girl.
ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!!!! I'm looking for a commited relationship leading to marriage and family. If you are not interested in the same thing please don't waste our time. If your "wants children" section says "NO", then please don't respond.
Life can only be understood backward but it must be lived forward. I travel to Europe every other summer with family and stay in the states to travel alone when not in Europe. I'm looking for a successful and determined man to share lifes adventures with. I want a man who chooses to spend time with me and accepts me for me. The capacity to care is the thing that gives life its deepest meaning and significance.

. So I've re-thought this whole search for "the one" thing and have decided to have a positive outlook....yes, even on a dating site. About me.....I have 3 girls who I have most of the time, I'm not looking for a new dad for them, they have dads (yes, 3 kids, 2 dads). I've recently made an effort to make more time for me, though it is super hard with 3 kids. I enjoy time with my awesome friends and family. I am all over the place with things I like to do so I'll likely get along with anyone. I love sports, watching, batting cages, going to sporting events, and yes, I watch football on Sundays! I LOVE LOVE music, it's the greatest release for any emotion you're feeling. Since I'm single, I've found I like a night out with my girl friends for some drinks and dancing (even though I suck at it). I'm also happy with a night in for movie night.
About him.....
He will be my protector, make me feel better when I'm upset, stressed, worried. He'll lay by me and hold me. He'll ask me how my day was, offer advice when called for but not judge or try to control. He won't be jealous, if I'm with you, I'm ONLY WITH YOU. Take me out for a night on the town and then crawl in to bed. And maybe he'll even watch the occasional chick flick with me :) Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for someone to "take care of me". I'm a terribly independant girl. Just someone to be there for me as a best friend and boyfriend. Some "requirements", a sense of humor is a must! I tend to be a sarcastic girl so if you get offended easily it probably won't work out. And you've got to be somewhere near my age and at least a little taller than I am. I'm ok with you having kids, I can take a package deal. Tattoos are awesome, if you have them then cool!
I'm sure POF isn't the place to try to find this guy, but don't know if you don't try right?
I'm an open book so ask anything! Don't be shy :)

. I am fun, easy going, caring and would always be there for a friend. I've lived in Michigan, Chicago, IL and now Scottsdale, AZ. I am willing to take risks and explore new worlds.
A great night out for me would be trying a new restaurant or a tasting at a nice winery then heading out to the comedy club.
An ideal afternoon would be heading out on the water and spending the day riding around and hanging out.
I love to travel, boating (speed, sail, canoe, etc.) try new things and love to laugh!
I'm looking for someone who enjoys life, has a great personality and cares for those around them.

. Me: Southern heritage & mindset; petite, feminine, soft hearted, kind, loyal, traditional, keen sense of humor, intelligent
Seeking: Southern Gentleman (at heart, if not from the South); strong male & leader; good character; honorable; kind & generous heart; bright