Date women from United States / Arizona / Gilbert, 36 year old

Date someone special from Gilbert, United States. I am an independent, genuine, honest, and fun loving person. I love to travel and have a good time with friends and family. I thoroughly enjoy getting in the dirt and camping as much a getting all dressed up for a night on the town.
After 13 years of marriage, I now find myself unsure of what I am looking for next in life. I know who I am and who I want to become. I see personal growth as a life long journey. Every experience in life sends with it some lesson in which to grow and learn from.
My career and my two wonderful kids (5 and 3) take up most of my time. However, on my off time, it would be nice to meet some new people and learn how to date again. I can’t say that I am in a rush to meet “the one”, but if hanging out getting to know people leads to something more than great, I'm all for it, but when I fall, I fall hard, and when I love, I love with everything in me, and I'd like to just try liking for a while.
What am I looking for? I guess that’s what I am here to figure out. A few things do come to mind though… Over the last couple years I have regained my love of working out and getting healthy, so I’d like to find someone that also focuses on that, without it ruling their life of course. Someone intelligent and confident, but not cocky… yes there is a difference. Someone who can make me laugh is a huge bonus. I am not in to game playing or mind reading, I like bluntness and honesty. If that sounds like you… let me know.

Meet a soulmate from Gilbert, United States. I'd like to meet someone who likes Mexican culture, traditions, food and especially the music, I love Caribbean music, such as bachata, merengue and salsa. I have 3 children 18,14,10
I'm Mexican from Sinaloa Mexico, I love my country but I rather to live in U.S.A
This country has a lot of opportunities to grow!!
I love America, I love the people and the country!!
Ask for a picture!!

Date a woman from Gilbert, United States. Friends would say I am a happy girl that typically sees the bright side of things! I love to laugh and be with family and friends. Originally from the midwest, family values are really important to me. My grandparents were married 60 years and my parents celebrate their 40th next month.
So regarding my own marriage, life has taken me down a different path than I was expecting, but I am comfortable with myself and where I'm at now. My goal is to find someone to share life's moments with... I want to live each moment to the fullest!
If you enjoy staying active, dining out, going to the movies, etc--you get the idea, then feel free to say hi! I don't like to play games--if there's a connection, great. If not, I feel it's better to be upfront. :)

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Looking for the right guy for me is like taking a road trip: fascinating conversations and views and, naturally, detours along the way. And what trip is without painful stretches when you don't know where you're going or why you ever started. I think we all want to go to some amazing place, but they are different, and so are the vehicles we drive to get us there. I want a good listener who cares about world events, helping others, works hard, enjoys the little things, and loves his family (does that make me a Prius?! I listen to a lot of NPR...I think that just sealed the deal).
About Me:
Some of my favorite moments have been evenings spent in front of blazing fireplaces holding warm drinks while telling stories with friends and family. I've almost given up wine, but not to fear, I've replaced it with vodka and margs. I can watch classic Scooby Doo cartoons on repeat.
I'm here to meet a man who is warm, intelligent, kind, fun, and can find beauty and humor in good times, as well as the bad. And if he likes Arrested Development and classic Scooby Doo cartoons, so much the better! I never thought I'd be a girl with a teacup chi, but I just rescued one on July 1 (he was on the street).
If interested, please email -- don't wink.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm a fun-loving person who enjoys spending time with friends and family. I like to try new activities (for several years I played on a kickball team). About eight years ago I became a teacher, and it is something that I truly enjoy doing. Helping my students graduate from high school and believe in themselves is an extremely rewarding experience. I love dogs. I have a Corgi mix named Bandit who has been such a wonderful addition to my life. I love reading. My home is full of books. What I'm looking for in a partner is someone who knows who he is, who has a good sense of humor, is intelligent, and a good communicator.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. A little about me: I LOVE TO Laugh and have fun no matter what the situation. I consider myself a girly girl, I love dressing up and feeling sexy; however, I am also comfortable in a pair of jeans and flip-flops. I love spending time outside or inside - I think that with the right person you can enjoy even the most boring of events. I can have fun in any situation, and even laugh at myself as I go :) I will try anything once - I may not be very good at it, but I am not easily intimidated either. I do love to golf!! The opportunity does not arise as often as I would like, so if you are a golfer - Let's go!!! I have been golfing since I was two - I enjoy it and mulligans are the best!!! hahaha
I am originally from Idaho - I have not lived there for many,many years - so.... I think that when I left the population dropped from 100 to 99 ; seriously though - I grew up in a very small town, population 3600 (yup no typo there). I have spent most of my adult life in a relationship and moved around a lot... So far, California is my favorite state; however, Arizona has presented many career opportunities for me and I am happy as ever and can even deal with the heat. I love my life and my children, but I do feel like there is a piece missing.
My newest obsession is the gym - It feels awesome and is very rewarding!!! I have been going for a long time; however, now I am just trying to build more muscle - not body building stuff :) So if you are into working out - Let's go!!! I could always use some pointers (ok, ok a lot)
I am a single mother of 3 beautiful children. It is not the lifestyle for everyone, but I wouldn't change a thing. Some say that I make it look easy.. I guess anything looks easy when you love what you do and just simply enjoy life's every moment. I love being a mother. I don't depend on anyone to take care of me or my children. I have a witty, dry, sarcastic sense of humor. I can be goofy and silly or serious and sophisticated. With all of that said, I can successfully live two lives ( mommy time and ME time). My personal life has a lot of flexibility so don't worry about not getting enough alone time with me - because that is just not an issue.
My perfect match would be a stable man that appreciates the little things in life. Like I said before, I am a girly girl so I do also like a manly man to balance each other out :) I want someone in my life that is just as positive as I am. I am looking for someone that has a career and is planning towards his future but is also able to leave work at work. Someone that can find the right balance between work and play. I am looking for someone that owns their own car and does not live at home with their parents. Basically someone that is a little serious about being a grown up. I am a very honest, direct, & playful person so if this bothers you then I am not a good match; otherwise, send me an email and we can go from there.

Date someone special from United States. Who I am huh! I'm a very loving person, who cares alot about people. I think I'm ready to find that "someone", however I'm not in any rush at all! I need someone with alot of energy like myself, my friends tend to call me a spaz sometimes, as I'm always going, going, going! I love to laugh and smile, and always make the best out of every situation. If your negitive nancy don't expect much from me, I have cut all that nonsense out of my world and won't have it in my life.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I guess you could say I am traditional. I believe in a relationship where the man protects the woman, opens doors for her, pays on dates, and behaves like a gentleman. This sounds idealistic..but I know it's out there. One of the best things partners can do for each other is to encourage and build up. You don't see this enough these days!
My friends say that I am sweet, generous, and loyal. I care about people. I can be sensitive at times. I usually can't even watch ER or scary movies because it seems so real! Yes, I know it's fake!!
As far as being active, I played soccer in high school and jr. college. I have tried Golf, taken tennis lessons, and love to dance and swim (but not all at the same time!)=) I have tried (and enjoyed) Kayaking.

Date a woman from United States. I love to laugh. It is the greatest stress reliever of all! I cherish my friends and family. They make me feel grateful everyday. I would like someone sociable, funny, adventurous, light hearted and easy going.

. I have been blessed with 2 kids, thatРІР‚в„ўs it for me. I prefer a partner who has children because they understand that kids will always come first. And honestly, it's not fair to someone who doesn't have children, because they may want a partner 100% of the time and a parent can't make any guarantees.
I'm looking for a fun, chivalrous and passionate man, who knows what he wants and goes after it, whether it be a career, a goal or love.
Love is built from friendship, so that's how I want to start, as friends... and see what develops from there.
I appreciate someone who is sincere, funny, honest, trustworthy and good hearted as these are qualities I have myself. I love a beautiful smile and a positive attitude.
When it comes down to it... I would like someone who I can talk to and spend time with, that just happens to be family oriented and mix in a genuine spirit with a strong sense of who they are and what they want out of their life and what they want in a partner.
I like to have fun, whether it's going to a concert or hanging out at home watching movies or hanging out over the grill. There are a lot of nice concerts coming up, it would be great to share those with someone.
If you are the least bit interested in making a new friend let me know, if I'm not what youРІР‚в„ўre looking for, good luck in your search, either way - take care.

. Are there any good, honest guys still out there? I'm a very independent woman looking for a equally independent man. I have been a RN for 9 years. I love my job! I'm looking for a man with similar goals and drive in life. I love to travel and hope to do more in the near future. Would love to have a travel buddy to share experiences with! Honesty is VERY important to me. Must love kids! Well if you would like to know more feel free to contact me!

. I feel like I am a somewhat reserved person initially but my friends would describe me as funny and outgoing. I love being active, having good conversation with my friends and finding some hidden places for good food.
I was going to say I don't do a lot of clubbing here, but well, I don't do any clubbing. I prefer a quiet night with friends or a local place to drink than a loud dance floor. However, with that being said, I have been known to head out on the town and bust out a few dance moves. :)
I have tried this site before and met some good friends but no real love matches. Most of my friends are married and although I have asked, based on the amount of blind dates they have set up for me, even they say a good man is hard to find.
What am I looking for? Laughter, chemistry, honesty, the ability to have meaningful conversation.... a few more things would go on the list but let's see if those are present first.