Date men from United States / Arizona / Gold Canyon, 50 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. TO LAUGH,TO LOVE AND TO BE HAPPY. this is what is important to me,my firm priorities! I work so that I can play,not play so I can work.I have done alot of things in my life, been to alot of countrys,met alot of people(good & bad) ate things I couldnt pronounce,and lived in everything from a tipi to a semi,BUT the one thing I havent done, has been to find my BEST FREIND my soul mate,the one woman every man hopes to find and cherish. that is one reason Im here on this site, I’m a teenager trapped in a 48yr old body.. peter pan is MY hero!-BE ADVISED,I am without a doubt,an UNCONVENTIONAL COLORFUL INDIVIDUAL !.I love to sail,dive,and plan on meeting someone who would like to LIVE ABOARD our boat and dive for a living. a woman that love’s sundress’s,adventure and old teenagers!!
I MIGHT NOT be sexy, beautiful or have the perfect body. I may NOT be anyone’s first choice, but I’m a GREAT choice. I’m always ME and don’t pretend to be anyone else. I may NOT be proud of some of the things I’ve done but I’m proud of who I am TODAY!! I may NOT be exactly WHERE I want to be yet, but I thank GOD ! I’m not where I used to be I' have been around the world a few times,but i have been alone., i have been on my own since i was 14,i learned to drive a truck,search for oil and natural gas,(not taco bell)and travel the world,BUT i have done this all can be in a room full of people and still be the lonliest person in the me,been there/done that,tired of it!!!.i would like to find someone like me,some one who is diversified,who likes a challenge in life and love,excitement,discovery,and exploration,the best of these is discovery!i have a rough exterior but a soft interior..and i hope to find a woman that i will complement,like a fine wine,,my best friend and lover,someone i can TRUST!-are you like me? wondering and doubting that such a person exists for you?I think of this often,and wonder--once apon a time there was a heart so full doctors feared it would rip open ,or stretch too far. and then a little was given away here and there. and some as stolen. either way it was a healthy bleed. and the owner gave great breathes of relief for he was now able too see and the clarity was awe inspiring the rosy tint was gone and the future was crystel clear. ...........and then one step forward he went.
I have been here on this service for awhile now,,,and if you are from RUSSIA
then move along to someone else !!if I wanted to throw away money I would buy a honda !!
help me mr wizard! if i ever hear another woman say,THERE ARE NO GOOD MEN LEFT,

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Beige is really not on my palette. I have an unusual fondness for bright vivid colors in my life. I lead an unusually strange existence. I love the idea of bicycling through Provence and admiring the landscape that inspired Cezanne and attempting to sketch a sunflower while clearly knowing, without a doubt, that I lack any real serious artist talent. I have laughed uncontrollably at a very dumb joke while in the produce section of a Whole Foods. I just got home from another New Year’s Eve on Bourbon Street. I am known for doing an occasional impromptu cartwheel. The last two were in the Main Lobby, by the fountains, of Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and the Parking Lot of The Santa Fe Opera. I think it was Falstaff that night. I haven’t taken myself seriously since 1984 and I have never regretted that decision and stand by it still. I am new to the area and I am not sure I have found my place in it yet. I have a deep desire to find anything I consider to be real and true here but as of yet I have not found it in Arizona, however I travel a lot so maybe that is why I haven’t gone and found it. I try to live a very simple but very rich life. I sold my home once to help save the lives of disaster victims and get a children’s burn hospital up and running last year and it shocked my friends to the point they threatened to steal my dog and hold her ransom to make me come to my senses. Eventually, they all admitted they were wrong, and thus by default I was right, about this decision and that internally haunts them to this day. I have problem with thinking too much. I wish I could just turn that completely off and just sit in the backyard and watch the neighborhood bunnies eat the lettuce that I thrown out for them in the mornings. I love to be outdoors and that is where you will find me if I am not indoors. I love think tanks but hate the hard sofa’s they always seem to have. I have been called a Village Mench among my friends. At first I thought this to be a conundrum but I have grown to accept this responsibility with the utmost honor befitting a Village Mench. I used to race very shiny automobiles at speeds that make grown men smile deep inside and consider myself to be an adventurous when the need or opportunity arises. I am the Executive Director of a charity that does, among many other things, first response disaster work, did I mention I like to travel? I miss the Santa Fe snow at Christmas? I apologize in advance for not being the typical narrative but the idea of putting up a sign like a poodle for sale in a pet store window just rubs me the wrong way I suppose. If a life of vivid color is what you have always wanted … welcome.
Well my tea is done. Blessings and I wish you all the best in your journey.