Date men from United States / Arizona / Marana, 64 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. sane,educated,witty, generous,humorous,sensuous,secure, trustworthy,forgiving, mentally balanced, positive minded, lonely inividual looking for someone to hold hands,go to movies with, to dine with, to play cards with; someone to share all of lifes mundane quirks with, someone to laugh with, someone to listen to and someone to HUG !!!!!!!!!!! looking for similar, but not exact [LOL,LOL,LOL] Lady. and hopefully one who likes to ride motorcycles, my passion.. THANKYOU

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. freindly, resposible, honest, loyal to person in front of me. looking for someone that can agree with what I've expressed as my traits. A person that can express thoughts of what they want, feel, and desier. Must know and want to comprimise choices made in life and accept changes that at times are not created by us.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. friendly, honest, sensative, and respectful to all especially towards women. as a widower and raising two girls I learned very quickley the needs, sensativity and love a mother gives to her children. I tried and feel I was succesful being both parents to my daugters and also Knowing I could not replace.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Tall, lanky, fairly good looking, disabled Viet Nam vet. I like to go camping, hunting, hiking and fishing. I also like to cuddle while watching a good movie or listening to some music. It's hard to describe my perfect match!