Date single man from Marana, United States. Retired ex company President, well traveled and educated. Prefer jeans and flip flops. Rural over urban, can speak publically, and comfortably, to large crowds, but don't like being IN the crowd. Politically Libertarian, more conservative than liberal. Would love intelligent independent lady for companionship. I grew up in the 60's. Like Bob Dylan sang "the times they are a changin'". Back then it was long hair, today no hair. Then, party all night, now pee all night. Then, nice bodies, now OMG. Once peace and love, now peace and quite. Then, getting ahead, now finding the head. Then going for it all, today, Geritol!! Then Keg's, now EKG. Before acid rock, now acid reflux and I've gone from the Rolling Stones to kidney stones.
I love being around people who find the ironies of life humorous. If you take things too serious we probably won't get along. I am an alpha male, first child and business owner since I was 23, so I'm used to getting my way, however I do believe in compromise and understanding others viewpoints.
Ideally, I adore sweet, intelligent, kind and very feminine ladies......who like their independence.
I've done better than most financially, until my ex (the lawyer) got ahold of me. But I'm still ok.
I love a good sick joke and stupid unpredictable humor. Kinda British, with some dry wit thrown in.
Meet someone special from Marana, United States. well to start i am not much on talking about myself but i do get alot of enjoyment of seeing others happy and giving my heart to the person i am with (total LOVE) i am warm touchy and not afraid to show my affection and love anywhere....i am easy going, and want to have a good life