Date men from United States / Arizona / Sierra Vista, 64 year old

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Retired military, currently working in second career. Enjoy camping, fishing, horseback riding, hiking, going to the movies, listening to music, reading westerns, amateur photography, sunsets and moonlight walks. Like to laugh and have fun with friends, but also enjoy quiet time with someone special, listening and sharing life's experiences. Enjoy traveling and sharing new places/new experiences with someone close/special.Should enjoy life and laughter, time with group of friends and with just someone special. Enjoy outdoor activities and quiet times in front of a fire or in a jacuzzi, watching movies at home or out in a theater. Should have a good sense of humor but also enjoy sharing life's experiences.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I'm a big huggy bear. I'm for the perfect woman that like to take long stolls under the stars going hand to hand. I would like to look in her eyes and see love in them. I like to play or coach softball.