Date men from United States / Arizona / Benson, 64 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I am a very sincer and loving person looking for the same toshare the rest of my life with.I find most of my pleasures in my daughters and granddaughters.I have a lot of love to give and would expect a lot in return.Some one who likes horses and the outdoors,moon light rides and romantic sunsets with brilliant sunrises.I am secure with my self and my emotions and not afraid to show them.Like to be with someone who can laugh,love and cry in the same day and lay down at night with a smile and a goodnight kiss.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am an aware self motivating, healthy handsome, caring man who continually seeks happiness and honesty. I am looking for an honest woman who either knows who she is, or is not rigid and is willing to change when necessary. A woman who is not afraid to express herself, is honest, loyal and alot of fun.
I have lived a very adventerous life, I am certainly not dull. Everyday is a new day and I always manage to start my days with a daily mediatation, and find blessings in most of whom I encounter and wherever I go. I do enjoy life. I find that it is a wonderful internal journey with very abundant and happy external experiences.
The woman I am looking for should have her own wonderful experiences, and be positive and happy. Life does present opprotunites and some problems,but i like what Wayne Dyer writes " I came from greatness. I must be like what i came from. I will never abandon my belief in my greatness or the greatness of others.
I come from greatness. I attract greatness. I am greatness.
I get what I think about, weather I want it or not.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am an active, physically fit man who loves to travel to new places and enjoy new adventures. I moved to the area a few years ago to find a slower pace of life with a climate where I can enjoy outdoor activities all year around such as hiking and golf.
I am looking for a woman who is emotionally secure and also enjoys outdoor activities in addition to dining out at nice restaurants and maybe taking short trips. Someone who has a positive attitude and loves to laugh.
I am financially secure and continue to run a small business which leaves me plenty of time to travel and enjoy the finer things in life.
Waiting for current personal photos.