Date men from United States / Arizona / Portal, 64 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I grew up in the south, Louisiana, Alabama, etc., was in the Air Force from 1968-72, graduated from LSU in 1974 in Russian Language and Literature,moved to Houston, had a 24 year career as a stagehand (11 years with Houston Ballet-toured US, Canada, and China twice), moved to southeast Arizona in 2004. I live in a solar powered home on 40 acres of grassland with my German Shepherd Apache. I am a life long naturalist, and have led birding and natural history trips in Texas, Arizona, Mexico, Hungary, Costa Rica, Australia, and South America. I enjoy lots of different music, plays and musicals, and movies.I do not have TV, but I do like to watch movies on DVDs. I am fixing up two old cars, a Blazer and a Ford truck, I like to hike, and my current fascination is botany, especially native grasses, wildflowers, and trees. I actually live about 40 miles south of San Simon, near Portal in the Chiricahua mountains. Bisbee is fun for dining, walking, and window shopping. I work full time at the Southwestern Research Station near Portal. I am the Chief Maintenance person and Staff Naturalist. A big outing would be going to Tucson for Thai food or sushi, shopping, going to a botanical garden or museum, movie, etc.
I am looking for someone who is reasonably slim and attractive, intelligent, open minded, and fun to be with. No drama would be appreciated.
There are so many aspects of a great relationship, most of which take time to sort out, but I definitely feel that there can also be a spark between two people, which can make the sorting out of details just a feather in the wind.