Date men from United States / Arizona / Dewey, 56 year old

Date a man from Dewey, United States. About me, well I am pretty basic, I am considerate, loving, honest, loyal, trustworthy, helpful and simple. I do not do the bar thing, lie, cheat, steal or do drugs. I am what you would say old school with that kind of values and outlook towards life. I don’t hunt because I hate guns and I do not like killing animals that I am not going to eat. You may think this is a strange approach to finding my mate, but I am straight forward and want her to know what you will get in this package. I am a single parent that takes care of 4 children. I have a loving family and even though I am older than most on this site I want a younger women because I think and act younger than my age. I would also like another child.
I am returning to Arizona in May 2012 and want to start a new chapter in my life. I am self employed and have been most of my working career. I am far from rich and just make enough to get by. I would like to get up to the secure place and just live a good life without any hassles. I hope some of the ladies here will consider the age as a plus and not a negative.

Meet a soulmate from Dewey, United States. what are people looking for in this daiting thing? I was married for meany years it. It's over now, I'm moving on. I would like to meet someone who understands what the meaning of who you!!! are. can someone injoy a hug!! MAN I LOVE TO HUG.. Anyway if your out theret the next thing we should do is meet maybe for coffee frist