Date men from United States / Arizona / Bullhead City, 56 year old

Date a man from Bullhead City, United States. Mostly Retired Mechanical Engineer (what else did you think BSME stood for?)
Willing to try anything and have fun. I believe in saving the good memories and forgive and forget the bad. Married once (19 years) and do not think that marriage at this age makes a lot of sense. Last relationship lasted 15 years, so I am a long haul kind of guy. Looking for someone to be with to eat, drink and be merry.
We all state the obvious so here goes ;-)
I can change the oil in the car and I do know how to wear a suit and tie (hell, I can even tie a bow tie if needed).
I believe that being friends first is the most important thing but we are here to meet a companion/partner.
Family is important to me but my son is not the one I live for. I believe that the one closest to me should have first priority.
First weeks of my USA tour/trip underway.All the way around the country see old friends and trying to make new ones. In Champaigne Il till July29, Detroit, Wheeling WV, Maryland, SCarolina Fla, and beyond. I would like to thank the 9 (as of 7/25/2012) out of 105 women that I e-mailed who got back to me.
Have not heard from many people anywhere across the country and I am beginning to believe that most of the profiles are old and no longer members. So much for, BOO-Hoo I read someone elses profile who stated that there were too many choices here and everyone is afraid to commit because Mr. or Ms. Perfect may show up tomorrow. She may be right.
Talley so far;
No Replys fron Stockton CA
1 good dinner and conversation (Eugene, OR) we are now friends
Got stood-up in Boise, ID A No show is so callous and what a cold thing to do
In Livingston MT, No-one here replyed
Jul 22 Deadwood/Rapid city 1 reply Yea !!!!! No meet or date
Jul 23 Sioux City IA / NE No Replys
Jul 24 Kansas City No replys
Jul 25-29 Chanpaigne, Il two contacts no connection
Jul 30 Morgantown , WV. WOW, Got one reply, one no thanks and a potential dinner. So West Virginia women are the most considerate to date.
I was very active in the past but now have my old football knee slowing me down. Love walking on a Caribbean beach slowly enjoying the sand and surf.
Spent the last year adjusting and contemplating life. That lifestyle has to change so I have started down the road to a better me and need someone to appreciate me for what I can bring into their life.
Never tried anything like this and still not sure it's right for me.
What am I looking for??? I don't know!! At this point in our lives I figure we spent 20 years growing up, another 20-30 years raising kids and establishing who we are and I figure the last 20 years of our life should be for having fun and changing the things and attitudes that we didn't like in the past.
If your looking to see how much $$ I can bring to the union don't bother. If you want unending love and companionship,

Meet someone special from Bullhead City, United States. everyone is looking for someone to make them happy,fun caring no drama ect ect ect wouldnt be hear if we had all that im just looking for someone to enjoy life with be good friends i have three kids all under age of ten that live with me i have my hands full lol if you dont like kids or dont want to be around it move on to next profile my kids are second to no one not looking for a mom or a maid sometimes i have to work long hours i try to get out of the area every now and then zoo ballgames camping ect. it can get boring around hear kids love going to other places

Date a soulmate from Bullhead City, United States. I love chasing large Tuna, fishing is a love of eating fresh the same day, and sharing good food with friends. But theres nothing like sharing with someone you care for! I am grateful for each day. My friend say I am to nice, every smile ! I hopping to attract , A loving ,yes good looking, enthusiam, a person who's has a good heart !

Meet single man from Bullhead City, United States. I recently moved to Bullhead City Az. from southern California. I'm interested in meeting new people in and around the area. I just retired from the grocery industry and am looking for someone to enjoy some time off with me. No expectations,requirements, nothing like that. Just want to have some fun.

Date a man from United States. I have two boys that don't live with me that I love dearly Two little dogs that are spoiled rotten. I like to ride motorcycles , camp , fish , travel going out to eat or staying home and BBQ.I am a affectionate loyal honest hard working person younger then my age. I love to laugh and have fun I am looking for a friendship that will work in to a long term quality relationship
I am looking for a woman that is comfortable.A loving and passionate woman one that's active and likes doing things whether it's going out or staying home

Meet someone special from United States. I am big ,I like to have fun water toys fishing floating down the river ,my harley LOVE MY KIDDS ,MY GRANDCHILDERN ,FAMILY..... I have blue eyes a big mustache big belly .I am grateful to have a job that Ilike ,I am grateful for my kidds and my sisters & brothers . I am looking for some who would share some time with that enjoys the same things I do ,but not all is posible just some of them .Someone who likes a drink now and then ,who likes to ride ,who likes to set and watch a movie ,would like have some laughter & fun And like Big Hugs !!!!!!!

Date a soulmate from United States. You know I really never thought much about all the topics. The one about who or what makes me smile. Christmas, number one that make me smile. I go over board when it comes to the season. Children and their expressions for all different occasions just take a look at (you tube, e-trade babys and you will see what I mean.
I think this online dating is a great idea you get to know a little about someone. I would never ask the questions in your profile before going out on a date. So I think this a great way to get started. You find out the things you have in commom before you start out on the wrong foot. I think that this will be enough to get me to the next step of my profile

Meet single man from United States. witty and like to have fun and enjoy myself, want a cute outgoing girl, ok to have alot of friends, thoughtful and polite and likes to have fun. enjoys making love and watching movies,and likes shows and casinos

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I have all my own hair and teeth. LOL I have been in the same job for 31 years and still love it. Family is always FIRST! I want someone to travel with and explore life. I like to watch most sports, concerts, eating out, cooking at home and just relaxing with YOU.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I' am looking for someone to hang out with, date, and possible relationship. I work a lot so I don't have a lot of time to meet people.
I' am looking forward to meeting new people. I like to ride my Bike go to different Bike Rally's and would like to have someone to do this with. enjoy