Date men from United States / Arizona / Prescott, 56 year old

Date someone special from Prescott, United States. I am looking for someone who loves doing the same things as me but still have there own agenda. My friends and coworkers say I am a take charge kinda guy. I am looking for a lasting relationship with a woman who wants same. As in the place where I work, I enjoy helping others.

Meet single man from Prescott, United States. I am looking for that special lady who shares a feeling of adventure and if it grows into a long term relationship, so much the better. A relationship where a single glance sets off a spark, where we can have emotional intimacy, value each other and enjoy life's adventures. Someone that each of us can be our true selves around.
I'm a water baby and I need a partner who enjoys being there too. If you enjoy the camaraderie of friends around the campfire of the sands of the Colorado River, the laughter of friends, scuba diving, boating on Lake Powell, then let’s get in touch. I take care of myself and need a partner who does the same.
I enjoy domestic evenings at home here in Prescott around the fireplace with a romantic dinner watching the lights of the city or walking around our small town courthouse square enjoying music at the Raven or Coyote Joe's on a nice summer evening.
I also want a gal who can kick back in a pair of jeans and catch a movie, got to like popcorn, or doesn't mind a getaway weekend boating on Lake Powell, I keep my boat up there from March til October. Life is an adventure and why sit on the sidelines. So if you feel a match, I'd love to hear from you.

Date a soulmate from Prescott, United States. ME: I'm a man of integrity and substance wearing self-deprecating sense-of-humor. Dwells on the negative; but lives in the positive; cannot be saved.
Attractive, fit. No peanut butter & jelly belly here-okay maybe a little around the ankles, but can run 1 block in high top army boots.
Always the best looking in police line-ups. Semi-intelligent; work at being an above average sepller and can correctly pronounce “victuals.” Good conversationalist after ice breaks.
Definite sense of humor. Like to play. Like to laugh. Have the World’s largest collection of air guitars. Played Triangle in past life. Bargain-hunter. I'm not a shoe collector or a coat hog. Favorite fruit chocolate. Sometimes difficult to understand but very easy to love and get along with.
YOU: Must be comfortable in waders or stockings and heels. Only interested in girls born in the year of the pig and the rabbit (just kidding).
Must have big heart, farm animals – goats a plus. Must have most of own teeth. Will empty pockets for right girl.
CLOSING: On a more realistic note. I'm a solid man that's looking for a plain good women to have fun with, and just do whatever sparks our interest. Nothing pleases more than to treat a lady like she's priceless. My life has been full of adventure and excitement and I'm not ready to stop now. So come on in and we can enjoy the ride of our lives together

Meet a man from Prescott, United States. Just checking things out!
Looking for GOOD CHEMISTRY--lady who is laid back; sweet; warm and down to earth.
Captain USAF (ret); now HS Math teacher (Two grad degrees) and social outlier.
I just retired (early) from teaching in Las Vegas (16 yrs) and am 60% moved to Prescott AZ to help my parents get through their 80's and beyond.
I will be looking for teaching jobs there. It's not if, but when, I will get hired. Thank the gods for a math teacher shortage.
I have 2 kids in college and I do alot to support them.
I plan on having as much fun as possible for the next 20-30 years. I have a great sense of humor and a warm and "pumping" heart!
Since I teach math and place a priority on learning, I will attempt a third M.S. (math) on-line so I can teach at the college level.
I've spent the past 10 years raising my kids alone and I need a woman to keep me from turning into Mr. Spock!!
It's the logical thing to do! (See what I mean?!)
I don't camp, hike, watch NASCAR, or go 4-wheeling; I tend to stay close to civilization. That's why humanity created it!
If I need a dose of nature, I'll get on a plane and fly over it. ;)
However, I do like to listen and rearrange furniture. Haw Haw! (sample of my humor)
The Wild Iris cafe is awesome !
I do read like there's no tomorrow. And if you're a believer in Mayan prophecy , then...
Time is running out; the Mayan calendar ends 21 Dec 2012.
(Obviously, the military pix of me are from the 1990s). The other ones are from 2010/2011/2012.
Some day would like to take cruise (that doesn't capsize) to Rome/Athens. Until then...
Whiskey Row here I come.....

Date someone special from United States. I am an outdoor guy that likes to explore new places, I love to laugh, play, I am spontanious. I can cook a pretty good meal when motivated. I inject humor whenever possible. Sometimes a little sarcastic when appropriate, I love the outdoor activities. Grew up in Michigan and cherished the big lakes, the fall season tugged at me with the weather and the colors of the woods. Love boating and fishing, snorkeling, hunting, horseback riding, and camping. I travel/explore when I have the time. I'm a great handyman . I am looking for a woman who loves to laugh, have fun and cuddle up with. One who is confident, sensual, sexy, and intreguing. One that can move my heart.........

Meet single man from United States. I am easy going and love to laugh, go for a walk and see new things. I would like to meet someone that just loves life and still has goals as well as wants to share her thoughts and have fun. Brite and witty with a good sense of humor.

Date a soulmate from United States. It is a very hard for me to write about myself. Right now I just need a friend to spend time with and enjoy life. I enjoy camping and just about everything outdoors coffee and conversation and good laughs.

Meet a man from United States. I work with horses. I am also a trainer and a healer. Looking for wonder, laughing, finding connection and meaning define my life. I value integrity, honesty, love, faith, loyalty, and humor. I enjoy both the mountains and the ocean. I find inspiration in my work with horses and their riders.
To begin with I am looking for a friend. I believe things happen for a reason and certain people come into our lives for growth and learning. And we need to learn from this process. I am looking for someone to "complete" my life and share it with. I am clean cut and feel that life is too short not to be happy. I'm looking for a woman who feels passionate about life and shares my optimism.
I believe that men should treat women like "ladies". Opening the door for them and letting them choose their seat first
at the restaurant....
I believe that dreams really do come true.
I believe in love.....

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Insincere, shallow, selfish, insensitive, misanthropic narcisist. Manipulative. Lazy and unmotivated. No sartorial sense. Financially unsecure and unstable. Philanderer. Slovenly and Halitotic. Volatile Temper. Polysubstance abuser. No criminal record, but votes straight ticket Republican.
Have I passed your "sense of humor" test? So what else do you get and what do you want? Intelligent? I like brains and insight. I am not intimidated by your intellectual equality or superiority. Wit? My own sardonic sarcasm is not for the timid. Articulate? You better be. Your "pretty" may not be mine. Slender? I am. Tall? I am; you are not. I prefer long-term monogamous exclusivity, but neither would I reject out of hand an opportunity to see where a less formalized romantic / intimate relationship might lead. You will get and keep my attention if you are not afraid of the big, bad, world, yet are secure enough about yourself to reach out for a needed shoulder to cry on. My skill set includes 'old-fashioned manners,' so expect chivalry and gallantry. Don't assume that my fascination with intellect precludes passion for romance, "spark," or the giddiness of an overt simple touch or covert knowing smile. I am neither interested in nor impressed by your money or the contents of your toy box. If your preference is "gown and heels" for a night out, I am delighted to be chosen as the escort of classy lady. But a "jeans and t-shirt" gal is sexier over the long run. Ask me why; the answer may surprise you. I am open, honest, and non-judgmental, but don't assume I am not opinionated, as I have a firm moral compass and despise hypocrisy. I operate computers and power tools with equal facility; my mood controls whether it's brains applied to earning a living or wiry hands around tools renovating my homestead. As Clark Kent, I am a trial attorney with my own law practice, but my secret identity can and will fix your leaky toilet.
If you've come this far and not simply 'photo-filtered' me questing for a hunky stud pretty boy, great. Next: Geographical distance is a non-issue. You want to meet, I'll come find you for tete-a-tete: non-confrontational with graceful egress, in case you think I'm a creep or I think you're a loser and we need to escape each other if it looks like that mind-numbing awkward silence is about to set in. Dinner (or less) is a good option. You pick the place. I generally will not have a preference and would prefer this be about you and your comfort levels, rather than a test of how well I can predict how to please you. Venue and ambience are irrelevant, whether it be chandeliers and tuxedoed waiters, sharing french fries over a Big Mac, or afternoon iced tea and a front porch swing. A good mix of flirtatious repartee and serious exchange improves our odds of finding commonality for a second "go."
If I contact you, I would like to hear back– even if it's only a 'thx, no thx.' My ego can handle rejection, but silence is maddening. From your side, I will accept any contact as an invitation for risk-free exploration and I will reply. If you don't have messaging here, you can reach me via cyber-mail at the same name in care of the other strange creatures of the Land of the Houyhnhnms (a easy riddle for you, if you're swift). Social conventions that keep women from approaching men are out-moded and find no application with me; I will make no pejorative assumptions about who you are should you decide to approach me. I hope you do.
You may like me or not, but I doubt you will find me boring or bland, and I know you will find more than meets the eye. I will not deceive you and you will always know where you stand. Example? My profile says 'non smoker.' There wasn't an option to let me assert: "I recently quit--again; we'll see."
Ladies, Mr. Perfect does not exist (nor does Ms. Perfect!). We are all works in progress. If you care to collaborate in mutual enjoyment and self-improvement of our lives and beings, let's talk.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Father of grow men & Grandfather of 4 2boys & 2girls. Someone who would like to travel the states
camping fishing in a class c moterhome 24 foot long.Someone who cats. I have one 9 years old
I am looking easy going.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am looking for like minded fun people and don't care about their background but I am discreet and expect same. I have never tried a site like this.They sure want a lot of information! I play guitar....

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I don't know who I am or who I'm looking for. All I know is I want intimacy in my life. I love talking about the questions of love and laughing about them. Music dominates my life. It's all I do. Well, except laugh about it. I perform it and teach it. Relationships are for expanding myself. So I make no specifications. The spark of the life force can happen at any moment so I try not to filter. I just want closeness. I'm planning an extended musical road trip. Want to come along?