Date men from United States / Arizona / Dewey, 74 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Have lived a full life; wife and two children, good career, now retired. Widowed 20 years ago. Now very happy by myself with my two puppies. Thought I'd check this site out to see if I am missing something or find someone who would make my life fuller

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I have always been a driven and goal oriented person and have lived with 110% put forth. I love seeing the joy that a simple thoughtful act can bring to others. I am looking for someone who appreciates that and also wants the mosy out her life.
I was born in Tenn but grew in the midwest with a strong work ethic and high moral values. That doesn't mean I can't let my hair down (I still have all my hair) and have good time enjoying myself and who I'm with. Ilove my family very mush and take great pride in their accomplishments, health and well-being. I have been blessed with great friends and value their friendship greatly. I love hanging out with good people, good food, and good wine.
I have been single for over 20 yrs, with only one serious relationship that didn't work out. I'm still an old-fashioned romantic who loves holding hands and public shows of affection and am still searching for that ultimate 'HUG'.
I would love to find a woman who also likes and shares my passion for life and what the world has to offer.