Date women from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 59 year old - page 2

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. Looking for an attractive man who has lots of hair on his head. He must be financially stable. I would like him to treat me like a lady, because even tho I ride a motorcyle, I am a lady! Not only would he be my best friend, he must be my lover, as well!!

Meet a woman from Chandler, United States. Starting over in the dating world after being married for 22 yrs is hard. I wish it was easy; but, I feel so picky after my husband passed away in 2007. I would like to find a friend first. and maybe help me get this cleaning company off the ground? I would like someone to be a companion so we can dance slow, go for walks, cuddle in front of a fireplace, re-learn about life Someone with compassion in their heart if I need a shoulder to cry on and a wise man to help me thru the storms to keep going forward.

Date a soulmate from Chandler, United States. I would like to find someone who likes to do the same things I do. Is honest and spirtual as well. Someone who has a good sense of humor and can laugh at yourself. Someone who is kind and compassionate.

Meet someone special from United States. My friends would say i am social, and love a sense of humor! I am proud of the work i did for the handicapped, both here in az and ny, i am proud of my boys, it wasnt always easy, but they turned out to be great men!
I am so looking for a man that is looking to spend the later part of life in a relationship. My boys live in the virgin islands, and i love to visit, dont want to do it alone anymore! I love motorcycle rides, boating, the beach, eating out, eating in, movies, romance!

Date a woman from United States. I'm interested in someone who is not so interested in themselves, but has the ability to talk about other things. An intellectual of sorts, but not to the point of being boring. A retired person would be nice, but it's okay if you work. I'd like to travel a little bit, not a lot. I enjoy staying home with the dogs and watching TV, riding on the back of a Harley, going out for dinner and cocktails. I don't ask for much, just a little honesty and some good times.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am seperated, not in a hurry for a real relationship, but would like to learn to trust again. I am open to friendship or romance, depending on you. I love travel, the beach, a good movie, family life.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. i have all that i need but not all that i want.
perhaps they go hand in hand...
we all want to be loved and appreciated yet still feel the passion and excitement a relationship can bring to one another.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. For a first date I'd enjoy going to a coffee shop for conversation. The best date ever would be under the stars, sitting in front of a campfire, snuggling in a warm blanket with the fella that just handed me a toasted marshmellow and hot cup of chocolate. Spending time together is very important.
A long term relationship is the outcome of dating I am hoping for. This partnership consists of sharing ourselves with one another acceptance and understanding, passion and variety.The qualities of the man I see as my partner is one who is capable of taking care of himself, he values equality, fairness, togetherness, integrity, humor, family, and a tolerance of faith. Having a variety of activities is the spice of life! I enjoy many different things and hope he does too. Traveling is at the top of my list, I enjoy nature, sightseeing, new foods, cultures, and sharing family gatherings. I'm an affectionate woman and need an affectionate man:)
As for favorites: Most music is enjoyed but rap. Most foods but shell fish. Bar-b-q pulled pork is yummy. The only type of movie I'd have a hard time with would be thrillers - they are scarry and I might end up in your lap :) or is it :(
My kids are grown and on their own.Their employment has them many miles apart. I am eagerly awaiting grandchildren and my first was just born this past spring. Visiting family and sightseeing is important.
I make friends easily, finding joy not only in similarities but also in differneces. Like my kids, my best friends (6 ) live in distant places from one another. My friends describe me as warm, generous and real. My occupation requires me to use the analytical part of my brain. My sense of humor is dry but I love to laugh.
I don't need money from a lottery to be happy but if a windfall came my way I'd give half of it away to help those in need to 'learn to fish' and then enjoy the rest.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. My friend they say that i'm very caring and that no matter what goes on in my life i always have a smile in my face i love to be happy and make people around me happy! special people that i could have a nice conversation,out going person write now very family orienteer , DANCE and a good comedy,a person that he is present most the time passion and caring Family and have some fun in life and stay healty.

. I am a peoples person! I am active and love to be with people. I love to laugh and have fun so if you are looking for a stay at home body, I am not the one! Although I do need time at home to recharge the batteries........
I have a son who is a successful business man and I can say that I am proud to be his Mom. My business sense rubbed off!
I am looking for a man that is true to his word and himself. A man who is confident in himself and who is not afraid of a successful woman.
I am looking for someone who loves to snuggle and cuddle. I am not afraid to express my love and emotions, so are you the one who will be the focus of my affection!

. DO YOU LIKE PINA COLADAS? TAKING WALKS IN THE RAIN? IF YOU ARE NOT INTO YOGA & HAVE HALF A BRAIN! ARE YOU INTO HEALTH FOOD OR INTO CHAMPAGNE? DO YOU LIKE MAKIN LOVE AT MIDNIGHT ON THE DUNES AT THE LAKE? WE'VE GOT TO MEET BY TOMORROW NOON & CUT THROUGH ALL OF THE RED TAPE. YOUR THE MAN I AM LOOKING FOR - COME WITH ME & ESCAPE! I am a woman who loves and enjoys life to the fullest. I keep pretty busy with my business but also realize that there is more to life than working all of the time. Even though I enjoy having time alone, I am looking to have someone special in my life to spend time with and enjoy their company. I am very social and have lots of friends and relatives who mean a lot to me. I have a 26 year old daughter who means the world to me as she and I are the best of friends. After many years I am back in the dating scene and I am excited about the prospect of a new chapter in my life!!
I feel that it is better to meet and see if you click than to not have met at all!

. My life story in 2000 characters, yikes. Married twice,both for love,divorced twice(not enough space for the reasons).My kids are young adults,but they'll always be my kids. Been in the insurance business since 79,but my dream is to own my own interior design/decorating business. I've been around the block too many times,Ready to Settle Down. I'm all of the things everyone says they are,but honesty is my best quality. I like all the cards out on the table. A one-man woman. I can't even casually date 2 men at a time,let alone have an actual relationship. I believe everyone deserves undivided attention. No more bars,or clubs,or hanging around drinking for me. I must 'dress up' for work,so a casual weekend lifestyle is for me. I am amazing myself at how good I am getting at cooking- I am now called the Condiment Queen. My idea of a perfect saturday nite's drinking a couple of glasses of wine while we make dinner, and just chill and talk. I wear my heart on my shoulder,which sometimes gets me in trouble, so I like a guy that can reciprocate. If you can't talk to each other,the relationship will never grow.
I've got two cats, but miss my dog that's back home in NY with my ex-boyfriend, and would love to have another. I had to leave him behind, and it broke my heart(leaving the dog,not the ex). I am at a good place in my life, got a great job, a house I love, my health,met some good people. But I don't want to be an old maid...I need someone that I can share my day with;;someone that I can nurture back. Not all guys will accept nurturing,dont know why,but a relationship is give and take. It is just as important to be able to give love as it is to receiveit;if someone doesnt let you love them.,,then how can the relationship grow?
Ijust want a relationship with no games.100%committment. Be in love.Attraction and chemistry have to be there,even at our age.. But that connection doesn't have a lot to do with looks.I care more about a man's heart and soul than what color his eyes or hair are. And I'd like guy that would judge me the same way. It's not even important what his hobbies are, if he's a sports freak, and I love him, i'll go to an event with him, if he wants me to. If he'd rather go with the boys, that's ok. I can always find something to do (#!=shop, which I enjoy doing alone) In return, it would be nice if occasionally we'd do something I like to . The details are important,it's not what we do, it's that we do them together.
Please, talk to me. And it doesn't have to be like an hour session with Dr.Phil(he IS my idol,though. gets right to the point) Just tell me where you're coming from,where your going, and let me know how much of the journey I am a part of. Silent, passive agressive types and myself do not mix well.
There's a lot of space left about you, Mr. Perfect, but short and sweet - I want what everyone else is looking for. I haven't found you in Albertsons, Safeway, Fryes, Best Buy, Circuit City, Big O Tires, Home Depot, Lowes, Starbucks, the gas station, or in my backyard, but I'm going to keep on looking!