Date women from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 31 year old - page 3

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. Hello,
Thanks for stoping by, if you are looking for a loving long term relationship then let's get to know each other. We don't have to share everything together but we do need to care about each other

Meet a soulmate from Chandler, United States. I am spiritual, fun loving woman looking for that perfect man. I'm a registered nurse who is definitely over When i'm not working I spend my time playing with my 3yr old daughter. In my spare time, which there isn't much, I like to go hiking or spend time hanging with friends. My perfect match would be a man that is spiritual, loves kids and wants some of his own, makes me laugh, is honest, and knows how to communicate and listen. Of course, he will be good-looking and we will have amazing chemistry..

Date a woman from Chandler, United States. I am a single mom to a 16 month old, don't have tons of time between the baby and work but am starting to put the dating feelers out there again.
I am very sarcastic and witty and smart and awesome and humble. :)I have all my teeth, shower daily and get regular manis/pedis.
I'm a die hard liberal so if you are in love with Bush/push a pro-life agenda/are a Jesus Jammer, we probably can't hang out. :)
I love all reality TV. Clean sheets. Clean bathrooms.
Hate folding laundry.
-have a sense of humor
-have a job
-have all your teeth. Straight and white is preferable.
-shower daily
-I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.
--Am willing to lie about where we met.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm educated, hard working, and thoughtful of others. Would like to met a man who has the same characteristic.
Would like to get married and start a family when the time is right but first travel to places I've never been.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. 4,000 characters just may not be enough....
I am originally from Ohio where I was born and raised (on the playground where I spent most of my days) but moved to Arizona at the end of 2006. I have been here ever since and despite the sweltering summer heat I think it's better than driving through a blizzard.
I am motivated, thoughtful, and fun! I also think that I am very funny, but the verdict may still be out on that one. :)
I really love spending time with my friends and my gigantic Greek family. I'm the youngest of 5, although I sometimes feel like I am the oldest. I love having everyone over to cook, hang out, play games, and create new cocktails.
As much as I enjoy low key evenings hanging out, I adore attending concerts, sporting events, and plays. Traveling is also one of my favorite things to do and I am hoping to be able to do more this year.
I am looking for someone who is motivated, compassionate, likes to travel, and enjoys other cultures. I love to laugh, so if you happen to be funny that is even better!
Well, it looks like 4,000 characters really is enough!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I love the simple things in life. I'm not much into drama. I respect people who are honest and open minded. I like to live a well balanced lifestyle. My friends are the most important part of my life. My goal in life is to create connections with people and maintain those connections. I enjoy traveling. I've been to several countries in South America, Europe, and Asia. Now, I'm mainly visiting wonderful places in the US.
Now, what I am looking for: somebody who has a career in place and knows what they want in life. I'm looking for somebody who has a positive outlook in life. He must also be health oriented and knows how to take care of himself. If you like to play video games all the time and eat junk food, we won't be good match. I would like to meet someone who is considerate and open minded. My ideal match would also like to dance (I'm not saying he has to be a dancer but enjoy dancing). Finally, the most important, he must love animals!

Date someone special from United States. Small town girl gone big city. I grew up small town Indiana and ventured out to Phoenix to make a life for myself...
So, who am I? I am an ambitious woman trying to figure out how to make all my dreams a reality without losing sight of what's important in life- family, friends, love and laughter. All the while trying to find the right guy with similar values to share them with, possibly forever. I love exploring new things, whether it be countries, cities or a new restaurant. Taking time to slow down and relax is a must for me. And I try to surround myself with genuine, good-hearted people to spend that time with and laugh.
In more detail...
I'm the girl who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Home improvement projects like refinishing hardwoord floors or hanging drywall- been there, done that. Changing my own oil, I've done that, too. I'm the girl who can hang out with the guys on game day, and if you're lucky, even cook you wings and poppers. (And I'm not talking the ones that come out of a box either.) I'm the girl who WILL laugh at you sometimes, but only out of affection and good humor. And, I will, more times than not, laugh at myself even more over doing something stupid like rolling my head up in an automatic window. With all that said, I am also the girl who needs a little romance from time to time to know I'm appreciated and cared for. Some me and you time, alone.
Who is that right guy? The one with a little of it all- funny, intelligent, ambitious, adventurous, confident, considerate, understanding and caring. Someone who likes to go out and socialize over drinks, but can still be just as happy at home drinking wine and cooking dinner with me. Someone who knows how they feel and can be open and honest about it. Someone who isn't afraid of being themselves. And most importantly, someone I can connect with.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I just moved here! Looking for friendship and romance from a charming gentleman. Looking for new adventures with a soul mate who likes to laugh and enjoy all the best things in life. I enjoy travel, dancing, riding horses, tennis and the arts.

Date a woman from United States. If you don't get my profile heading, go watch the movie Super Troopers - and can I borrow it, I think I lost my copy.
I love to laugh and travel. I also love movies, music, and local bars/restaurants. Looking for a glass half full type of guy. I want to have a good time either going out or doing nothing, without drama. Honesty is a must. I am a sucker for midwest values and a genuine smile.
Yes, sense of humor is necessary. I can laugh at myself and hope you can too.... laugh at yourself, not me, ok me as well. :) I am not here looking for someone just for the sake of having a relationship, but someone I can have a real connection with. I want someone who makes me light up when they enter the room and vice versa.
3 fun facts:
- I helped break a world record
- I travel to at least one new place every year
- I recently was in a tomato battle

. I am from out of town so I thought I'd give online dating a go to meet people.
I love the out of ideal weekend is going for a hike with friends followed by dinner and drinks, and chilling out on the Sunday, that is if I'm not visiting somewhere different. I love music festivals and looking forward to Coachella in April.

. Boys pick girlfriends like people pick apples. The average ones at the bottom of the tree are easiest to grab, so they get picked the fastest, but any guys worthy of you will climb to the top of the tree for something really special, and here I am! I really am not good at talking about myself, let alone online...being online is not my usual thing and I never really want it to be..... so I will keep this short
I AM.... Strong, kind hearted, out-going, humble, goal oriented, silly, sarcastic, caring, thoughtful, articulate, intelligent (book and street smart), honest, down-to-earth, independent, clean, laid back, REAL and then some!!!
I AM NOT...a drama queen, argumentative, spoiled, needy, high maintenance, rude, selfish, arrogant, a liar or FAKE.
WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR...Someone that can cuddle with me during a movie at home or be proud to be with me outside of the home front. I would like to be able to converse with my partner about anything as best friends would. Clean is important to me, I am not looking to be a slave, I am looking to be a partner. I want someone I can try new things with or travel with. I HATE LIES more than anything so HONESTY is a must. Humor is a necessity cause I love bein goofy sometimes, now and again, often!
WHAT I AM NOT LOOKING FOR... OVER THE AGE OF 42 (NO EXCEPTIONS), overweight (unhealthy), ARROGANT, self absorbed, liar, a cheater, mean, inconsiderate, demanding, deceitful or negative.

. Looking for someone who has a similar take on life as me and who is straight forward. I have a fun playful nature so I need someone who isn't always serious but who is capable of being so when needed.
I like to travel and generally take a couple of trips during the year, so a sense of adventure is a must.