Date men from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 65 year old - page 2

Date single man from Chandler, United States. Added note:
I haven't subscribed to this site as of yet, because I'm not sure it's the right vehicle to get me where I want to go, so if you send me an email here, I won't be getting it for now until I can see that there is a potential here.
I'm looking for a friend first, time will develop other things. This is all new to me, so it will be slow as you go. I don't clearly know what I'm looking for in a match. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the future brings. I've been divorced for over 15 years now and not looking for my next ex-wife, so marriage isn't a top priority.
I spend a major portion of my time playing softball several days a week, in addition to help coaching a girls softball team here in the valley. I believe it’s good to stay active and contribute where you can.
I have been very involved with philanthropic ventures for a number of years while I was self employed and now that I�m retired, I continue in various directions. Currently I’m helping a totally disabled individual gain self worth by helping him sell online, totally natural healthy pet food, ThePetChalet. Steven has been disabled his entire life and has an uncanny love and understanding of pets and their health, so I decided to target that area, where his interests peaked.

Meet someone special from Chandler, United States. I am looking for a friend and lover. She has to be honest truthfull and no games. Looks and appearance are important to me. I am looking for a catholic person who will share my beliefs and attend services on a weekly bases.

Date a soulmate from Chandler, United States. I'm easy going, comfortable and secure. It doesn't take a lot to make me content. I'm not materialistic but I like nice things. I think I'm a neat and respectable, organized person with my life in order and enjoying this time of life. I'd like to meet someone in a similar situation who wants to become friends and share a social life and more if it turns out that way.

Meet a man from Chandler, United States. I'm an outgoing, spontaneous, type of person. I take life as it comes to me and try not to stress on the little things. I'm a retired Iron Worker and loving life. I like to travel every chance I get and I also enjoy relaxing at home once in a while. I'm drama free and do what I can stay away from negativity. I enjoy sports, music, movies, dining, hanging out with family and friends, projects around the house etc. I would like to find someone who basically enjoys the same, and is fun and sincere.

Date single man from United States. I lost my wife about 5 years ago to breast cancer and have been searching for about the last 3 years for someone to share the rest of my life! I was happily married for 30 years and believe me, finding someone fun, upbeat and enjoyable to share life with is a very difficult thing in today's world?? I'm starting a fitness program to "Hike the Grand Canyon" and would really like to share this experience with someone who would love to live this "Grand Experience" with me!! I'm a avid bowler and golfer but not particularly good at either one??? Just enjoy the friends and people I've met while competing in those two sports!! I love baseball and football and I'm a "BIG" Green Bay Packers football fan!!! I'm also a "Cardinals Fan" and occasionally go to a
game at our beautiful University of Phoenix stadium!!! Would Love to meet the right person
to share the rest of my life with and enjoy the magnificent beauty of this marvelous state together!!!!

Meet someone special from United States. Mind is what matters. Beauty is enhanced by a quick and witty mind and a smile. I love coffee, kids (grand kids especially), picnics and movies. I am happy with my life and love to work. Need good company to finish the pleasures if life.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm retired and loving it. It's my time to do the things I wanted to do and didn't have the time nor the ability to relax and not think of work. I enjoy travelling, dancing, day trips, movies, concerts, dining out and finding out-of the way places to visit. Visiting with old friends, enjoying my grandchildren and friends. Trying to get better at golf and dancing.

Meet a man from United States. i have not been in the dating thing my wife passed away a few years ago and i am now feeling the need for a good woman in my life. i take care of two people and i dont have to much free time but i do have some. most of my day is sitting around the pool and listing to mucis or playing my harmonicas. i would like to meet a woman wh can understand what i am doing and is ok with it. i like going to movies and out to dinner. i am game for anything lol just want to have a friend and then see what happens. not to exciting uh

Date single man from Arizona, United States. i m fun active like to laugh. love my 90 year old mom/ Ihave one child two crandchildren I never done this before . worry about being in over my head dont have much practice at this its hard to start over

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am semi retired and looking for someone to enjoy each others company, the theater, and site seeing this beautifull country. Possibly day trips around Arizona, dinner theaters even posible motor cycle trips

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. LOVING, sensitive,CREATIVE, passionate, ARTISTIC, spiritual being. Deeply involved in my art and art in general. Love my poetry and poets and love my music. Very laid back. My ideal relationship is like the Zen koan "what color is the wind?" A deep sensitivity & caringness. BEST BUDDIES. TO NEVER, EVER ABANDON YOUR MATE !! LOVE FROM THE DEPTHS OF OUR BEINGS. Give & take & also 2REMEDIATE. Try 2 WORK things out somehow AS REALLY TRUE LOVE IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND, so if you find it, nurture it, ACCEPT who the other person is & help them grow. Give them a chance, a BREAK if they screw up as we all do one way or another. If you like to argue forget me. Loyalty is of prime importance. If you cheat, pass. If you are capable of loving from the depths of your being and want the same in return i am interested. If you are creative, gentle and kind i am interested. If you love to escape for weekends and for how ever long to exotic or close places i am interested. I am a nite person so i keep strange hours. I hope you like to work out. I am also a film addict specially foreign. Fav movie is The English Patient. . I SEARCH FOR YOU EVERYWHERE, AS YOU SEARCH FOR ME, EVEN IN MY DREAMS .SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW, YOU AND I LOST ONE ANOTHER. I am seeking my lost TWINSOUL as I cannot be FULLY ME unless i am TOTALLY LOVING YOU. Loyalty is of prime importance to me along with a great amount of physical touching, holding hands, KISSING, CUDDLING with lots of hugs etc and all the little things like love notes on the mirror, love poems, flowers, cards etc and the excitement of just being around each other. I seek MY OTHER HALF _ U&I will both know U R CREATIVE, ARTISTIC, very INTELLIGENT, extremely LOVING, very much into art, galleries, books, music(classical) preferably. TOUCHING is most important to you. R U capable of being a best friend? U COMPLETE ME. U really love 2 KISS, HOLD HANDS, love to make little LOVE NOTES and U love to find them. U R nurturing, sensitive, and R capable of LOVING FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR BEING. U thrive on love and BEING IN LOVE and U want the same in return. U R ARE NOT afraid of public displays of AFFECTION. U live 2 LOVE. U love 2 EXPLORE new places. YOU SEEK YOUR TWIN SOUL. You are not into dogmatic religiosocial systems and have developed a construct system of your own both social and spiritual. You are a FREETHINKER and are a CONSCIOUS BEING. You have evolved beyond materialism. You run from the HERD MENTALITY .You are familiar with meditative systems. I would love 2B with you on A TERRACE in TEPOZTLAN by the church people watching all afternoon having a huge MARGARITA and knowing that no one in this world except THE PERSON YOU ARE WITH could ever make you feel the way you feel. WE HAVE MELTED into each other's eyes. I am overly sensitive and cry during movies or reading a beautiful line of poetry. I WANT U 2B THE TYPE OF WOMAN WHOSE EYES I COULD PEER INTO, FALL IN AND NEVER COME OUT. I want to play with your hair. I want to be able to hold your hand at nite and lay on the grass, or the sand of a beach or on a flat rock out in the desert or mountains and stare at all the stars and galaxies and know that you are the woman that i have been asking the UNIVERSE for since i was a child. I WANT YOU TO BE THE LAST LINES OF THE FAIRYTALE POEM I HAVE SPENT MY LIFE WRITING WITH A PEN FILLED WITH BOTH TEARS OF HAPPINESS AND SADNESS. I WANT YOU TO ALWAYS DWELL IN MY HEART, MY MIND, MY SOUL AND WHEREVER I GO YOU GO WITH ME. I WANT TO GROW OLD WITH YOU AND EVERY NITE I WANT TO FALL ASLEEP HOLDING YOU TIGHTLY FOR FEAR U MIGHT B A DREAM AND I WOULD AWAKEN TO AN EMPTY BED. I WANT TO JUMP INTO PUDDLES WITH YOU LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN AND HOLD AND SUPPORT YOU IN TIMES OF LIFE'S STRESSES. I AM A FREE SPIRIT AND CAN LIVE ANYWHERE. Even though it is HOT here in Arizona i am the MALE you are looking for in the shadows.
I am looking for my last relationship. R U? I want U 2b the flower that i place in the vase of my heart forever.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Looking for my soulmateI am an active man who is looking to share my love and happiness with someone who is attractive and can enjoy life.I have been divorced for ten years and think it is time to find someone to become a friend and more in time, someone to say how was your day when I get home,to watch a good movie or go out on the spur of a moment,to cuddle on the couch or go to Calif.Life is too short to not meet! Iwould enjoy talking to you , so if you think we have some things in common please e mail me.My match is someone who is attractive and is postive to be around. not afraid to be themselves someone who wants to be loved and enjoys showing it .