Date women from United States / Arizona / Casa Grande, 40 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Great to be around, funny, trustworthy, honest, caring, spare of the moment type of girl. Someone who is funny, loves to laugh, and someome who is spontaneous. My kids, my family, my health, and strength. Someone who is spontaneous, enjoys having a great time and who wants a longterm relationship. Someone who is not intimadated by me and can respect that I am a very independent woman.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am looking for a good person who puts as much into a relationship as they are gonna take out. I like to laugh, be spontaneous, I like genuinely happy people. I am not looking for someone with a certain look but I am looking for someone who has good character. I want to meet a friend and see what happens. I was married for 14 years, so I have absolutely no clue what I am doing on here yet, but hey ya gotta get back on the proverbial horse right? Who do I expect to meet here? Hopefully someone of quality, someone who says what they mean and means what they say. I would like to meet a friend I can laugh with first and see how it goes. I have an ornery 9 year old boy who makes me laugh like no other and has driven my absolutely insane as well. He is and will always be my first priority I do not want any more kids of my own one has worn me out! I deliver mail for a living not really exciting, but it pays the bills, I also find host families for foreign exchange students. Just a part time job I am saving money to take a trip to Ireland! The picture I put up was taken 2 weeks ago. so you know how current it is. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me I am pretty open to answering any questions.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I am not looking for drama or any fake person..All for real. I am not hear to be hurt or hurt anyone just want it to be for real. I am very respectful to who I meet and would like the same as well. I love meeting people and having lots of fun and just live a little and laugh. Someone who is into almost the same things as me u don't have to be perfect just be yourself. I am very outgoing and love to have fun and laugh. I love to keep myself busy and just enjoy the things out there.

Meet a soulmate from Casa Grande, United States. I am a very honest and straight to the point person. I just want someone who is real and doesnt pretend to be something they are not. I believe in love, friendship and honesty.
My ideal match would just have to be real and honest and if the relationship doesnt work out then just say goodbye and move on. Friendship is always nice.

Date someone special from Casa Grande, United States. “Hello out there! Well, I just joined this site and I’m not too sure what to write but here goes. I’m just a simple women,hard working,great sense of humor. I like hanging out with my friends/family, having fun, and listen to music. I'm original from Texas,my favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys and my favorite music artist is George Strait. I’ve found that it’s so hard to meet men in my area so I thought I’d try online dating. I just would like to meet a guy who can humor me, understand me, and prove to me that he is mature and independent. Anyway, it’s always so hard to write stuff about myself so if you like what you see, maybe we can go out on a date sometime....(p.s. i love bud light lol)

Meet a woman from Casa Grande, United States. Hello, I am a 40 year old mother of older children. I just recently moved to Casa Grande, from Indiana and I am looking for some new fun. I am entergetic, fun, and love to have new adventures. I enjoy singing karaoke, (not good, just for fun), playing pool, going bowling, or just hanging out with my family and friends. I feel that I am easy going and very loving and I want to experience the most I can from my life. I love to smile and to laugh, and to make others happy. I take pleasure from the smallest things, for example, like a call just to say hello or a text saying hi. Those are things that make me smile. I love waking up each day and seeing what it will bring. I aspire to enrich not only my life but others who I am around as well.
I love country music, 70's rock, and anything from the 80's. I am a huge movie buff. I love watching any that will make me laugh. I love all things 80's, including the movies from there.
This is my first time on here, I just turned 40, and I am ready to restart my life. I am ready to enjoy this upcoming year with a smile and have as much fun as I can.
(PS not looking for a booty call/friends with benefits/etc. so if that is what you are after, I am not the girl for you.)

Date a soulmate from United States. Never thought I'd become a member of a dating website! Did you? But, I'm willing to try anything once, even if I end up laughing at myself. I figure if I can raise 3 AMAZING kids on my own, this should be no problem at all. They are now 21, 18 & 16....One living on his own.... 1 down 2 to go! They are my biggest accomplishment! Now that they are grown, I'm able and ready to focus on my wants & needs a little more. I'm very outgoing & social... Never been described as shy & I love to laugh. I'm very kind, giving, down to earth & have a lot of patience. However, I don't put up with lying, cheating, etc... Once I can't trust you, or the mind games begin, I'm done. We Italian women can get pretty feisty! LOL!! But, if you have our heart, there's nothing in the world we wouldn't do for you! Family means the world to me. I love having bbq's with friends & family while watching football, baseball, basketball, etc... Camping, movies, dancing.. Enjoy that as well, just haven't done much of that in a while. I'm not materialistic, the little things in life seem to matter more to me now. Would love to find a man I can totally be myself around, who is secure with himself and doesn't have a jealousy problem that will sneak up on you when you least expect it. I've had to be very independent, can take care of myself, but no matter how much time, energy & love you give to your kids, friends, family, there is always a feeling in your heart yearning to find that special someone. I've been trying to fight it off for years and damnit it won't go away!! I'm not young anymore, but I am far from being old. They say 40 is the new 20 and I am ready to enjoy myself and would prefer not to do it alone. I've always believed that if you find the person that's right for you, it shouldn't be that hard to get along... It shouldn't be "work" to stay together. I'm not looking for "Mr. Perfect", just want someone who is a perfect fit for me! :)

Meet someone special from United States. Those who know me best know I try to be flexible and understanding. I've been told I have a great smile that lights up the room when I see acts of kindness, caring, and love - and without a doubt my puppies.
I am proud that I have had students return to me years after having experienced me in my classroom and remind me why I work so hard for them.
For now, I am looking for a friend who could perhaps become the love of my life. A man who wants me to understand them as much as he understands me - even when sometimes I seem to make no sense at all.
Eventually, like most of us here, I imagine I will be searching for someone to grow older with. Someone to greet me at the door, hold me tight, and love me forever.
While my passions wax and wane, I believe that all people, regardless of upbringing should be caring and considerate in all they do. We should expect the best of ourselves and others. We should be patient when one of us falls.
We should always love.

Date a woman from United States. I am recently divorced from an 18 year marriage. I am looking for someone who wants to be with me not who needs me. I want to be loved and cherished. My teenage boys are the most important part of my life, and I want a man who is strong and secure enough in himself to accept that. I am a romantic woman who is loving and affectionate. And a man who is strong enough to handle teenagers with special needs but hearts of gold. I want to be with someone who starts slow and is not afraid to take a chance one me. I am affectionate and romantic. I would like someone who wants to be my best friend. My ex husband was verbally, emotionally, and psychologically abusive to me and my children. I want to be in love again without sacrificing who I am and without someone else sacrificing who they are. I have fibromyalgia so I am in pain all of the time, but I do not let that get in the way of taking care of my children or spending time with the one's I love. Honesty is one of the most important things that a person can bring into a relationship. I do not have money but I do take care of my boys. And I do not expect anyone to take care of me but I do expect them to be able to take care of themselves.

. About me and what IРІР‚в„ўm looking for. A connection on many levels. A best friend, companion, confidant, lover. Some one to be with but yet keeps our own individuality.
I love spontaneity do something crazy and adventures or at times just relax in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine. Travel is a big one whether in the states or abroad, I love meeting and learning about people and places from all walks of life. IРІР‚в„ўm brutally honest and expect the same from people close to me. No games or too much drama. IРІР‚в„ўm hopeful romantic love poetry, pomes, and cards. I like man that are open and can express their emotions. Gentle but yes strong. IРІР‚в„ўm a person of many interest, sometimes a little strange. I believe in the paranormal especially spirits, past life, reincarnation. Well not to scare anyone. IРІР‚в„ўm definitely down to earth and a reasonable person. Not a whack job. If you donРІР‚в„ўt judge a book by itРІР‚в„ўs cover and would like to know me a bit more chute me an email. Good luck for any one out there thatРІР‚в„ўs looking.

. well lets see im a beautiful person i am a grandmother and i have three kids and one looking for a man that dont cheat and that will take care of me and will love me for me and wont judge.

. I have many interests and enjoy doing different things. I love to travel I have been to Ireland, Mexico, and Tanzania along with many places here in the U.S. My days of travel have just begun. There are many more places I want to visit internationally as well as in the United States. I love that Arizona has many art and cultural festivals, I like different cultures. I enjoy wine tasting and am open to trying anything. I am originally from New York and there was so much culture there that is something I miss. I teach art in middle school and love it. The person I am looking for should have similar interests be respectful, truthful and caring.