Date men from United States / Arizona / Bullhead City, 67 year old

Date someone special from Bullhead City, United States. Likes to dance. She must like to dance. Happy person. Likes to be together. Likes movies. Outside, sometimes inside. Likes to volunteer. Likes conversation. Doing things together. Likes hobbies and crafts.

Meet a soulmate from Bullhead City, United States. For those who don't read, go to the last sentence in this section.
Sixty-six year old Chairman of the Board mistaken for mid to high forties because of Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements. I seek and Practice Alternative Medicine. Ask me about it sometime. Extreme Ultra Romantic including candlelit dinners, champagne and caviar, midnight strolls on the Beach, arm in arm, kissing along the way. I can cook you a meal or make reservations. In General, I also give a SUPER, Sensuous massage(scented candles, soft music, warm oil and mink glove). I am one~woman man. Hand holder, and love to cuddle in front of a roaring fire with you and a bottle of red wine. Not a jealous bone in my body. DO NOT possess, domineer or smother. Only DEMAND~no cats (Almost Deathly~Allergic) Lover, not a fighter, do not raise my hand nor Holler or Scream. Ultra loving and more often than not, do the things that give you warm fuzzy feelings and butterflies in your stomach. You would not be ashamed having me on your arm. I am the guy your Mother's friends say THEIR daughters should have married. How about a Honeymoon in Bora Bora for a month?!!.
Have completed Ground School, on my way to a Private Pilots License. Inventor Extraordinaire, Einstein and Smokey Yunick were my Heros. I consult with Race Teams under the NASCAR banner and NHRA colors!!
Have well worn passport. International Travelor. Well, have I made YOUR wish list????
A Country/World Wide trip is going to start very soon to set up Installation Centers EVERYWHERE. My FireStorm Ignitron Plasma iPlug has finally found a manufacturer in Torrance California. Would you like to assist me as my Princess to the Spark Plug King??? The FireStorm operates in the Fourth Order of Quantum Physics. It was proven to NEVER wear out. It saves a Whopping 70% of fuel. Would you like to join me in this World~Wide trek???
I am well versed in Carpentry, Electrical Plumbing and Painting. Not too keen Paperhanging though.
I keep the cars clean and full of gas and take care of the yards, especially the Front Yard for the Curb Appeal.
Been all over the World and will be doing it again except this time with you. Dogs, kids and Horses absolutely LOVE me......Must be my calm, cool manner. Or, could be my Aquarius nature. Have I sparked an interest in you? (pun). I'm ready! I am in Bullhead City right now setting up the very first "Installation_Center". I will be setting up closed loop video so I do not have to be there all the time. This will allow me to move anywhere and still stay in touch with Installations.
A lot of guys all they want is to get into your pants. I am different~~I want to get into your Heart. I get into your Heart, you will shed the pants.
I have lived from Michigan to Texas to California and landed in Arizona to Utah and now back to Arizona. If you can talk me out of this Beautiful Desert, I will follow you to anyplace that has NO ice nor snow, had my fill and paid my dues in that cold stuff. Now, the only ice I want to see is in my Drink!!!!!!!!
Scorpio's: Don't bother, I am Allergic to "ALL" Scorpios. Was married to one---What a Disaster. Learn by doing.
No Drugs taken, not even an Aspirin,
Kids, dogs, dolphins horses flock to me like Ducks to Water. Must be my Cool, Calm Aquarian Nature. The kids in the PIX are a Neighbors. Mine is grown gone.
The woman lucky enough to get me would believe she got the "Legionary" Don_Juan from the Movie Don Juan DeMarco starring Marlin Brando and Johnny Depp. I am no Johnny Depp, I am better.
I am worth more than "Six Billion Dollars. Will answer all emails. Prefer Long-Haired Blond with Slim Body.

Date a man from Bullhead City, United States. I have come to know this person called me. I am very dominant. One should never confuse politeness with weakness. I have a penchant for S&M. My ideal partner should want a "classic" man who will take charge. She should be very much in touch with her femininity and very sensual with an innate desire to please her man completely. We live in a "touch-starved society" and my woman should want/need/crave touch as an integral part of emotional expression and be open, receptive and appreciative of my touch. She should expect every feminine dream and desire to blossom from it ... frequently! Most people "major in minor things". That means their conversations and communications very seldom get far beyond what two total strangers could share. I have been and still am a prolific reader, but I'm sorry. I don't read minds. My woman should respond openly, honestly and directly letting her words express what is deep inside her. Her responses should always be both polite and explicit. There is always "risk" in being honest. I have tried to do that here because of the old saying, "The best cure for a bad marriage would have been a broken engagement." I have kept myself in reasonable shape. I expect my woman to do that, too. Most people pick me for 15-20 years less than my age. I taught for a living, both as a university professor and at the high school level. For that reason I communicate well with younger women. While I'm not trying to "rob the cradle" neither am I trying to rob the geriatrics ward. My woman should be young at heart and have the body to take her where her heart's desire is (not to mention my desire)!
If you have understood who I am and what I seek then I would love to read from you.