Date women from United States / Arizona / Apache Junction, 54 year old

Date someone special from Apache Junction, United States. ran a jelly business for 30 years. retired from that, moved to az. to b with family,especially my mom and to help her in whatever she needs. luv my pets. luv katy perry went to her concert. like to bbq. dont rerally have a social life to new to area.looking for a great guy who is nice,generous ,must love dogs

Meet a soulmate from Apache Junction, United States. Moved to AZ in 2005 with daughter. Love it here. Looking for a person to share my life with. Not necessarily marriage but someone who is willing to commit to the relationship. I enjoy being with people. Going to movies, dancing, laughing just having fun. I enjoy watching football, baseball and basketball. Going on hikes, watching the sunrise and set. Hoping to find and honest and trusting individual who is looking for the same.