Date men from United States / Alaska / Craig, 48 year old

Date single man from Craig, United States. Where the highway ends and the road begins, that is where you'll find me. I enjoy the other side of nature and all she offers, yes sitting watching a thunder storm roll in, and the stars above are awesome, I am me, sharing life with someone with similair dreams would be great and the road would be a great adventure, the laughs of little kids and the mischief they get into is so fun to watch, I guess its the innocence of it that makes me smile. meadows of wild flowers show me how small we really are, and how nature wants us to blossom to beauty and not possesions. We are only here for a little while, make it better than you found it. I will try to stimulate your mind and conversation, I enjoy being onery and quick witted, plus I lilke deep conversations and silence at times too.
I wish you all good luck,
and hope to find some one who challenges me to be the best, money doesn't buy me, smiles and being real does
will share what ever you ask, or and will answer all questions too

Meet a man from Craig, United States. i am the kind of person who has been blessed with many abilities, and one of the things i enjoy the most is helping people, especially with something they cant do themselves or have never had the opportunity to do and i can help them fulfill a dream or goal. i am very inspired by people with a positive outlook on life and are thankful for the opportunities they have been given. i am no different than anyone else in looking for that special someone, like cant wait to get home to see them at the end of the day and share how the day went. someone to laugh with and to bring a smile to your face and a gleam in your eye when you think of them, someone to spoil with love and affection and to grow together in love as God intended it to be.

Date someone special from Craig, United States. I'm a hard working, family originated guy who looking for the right girl that enjoys similar activities as me. I enjoy traveling, playing golf, and working out. I don't live to work, but work to live. Trust if very important to me and is a must.