Date men from United States / Alaska / Sitka, 59 year old

Date single man from Sitka, United States. I'm probably out of range for your area, however, I travel to and from Las Vegas twice a year. I not quite sure where Bainbridge Island is but I would definitely be interested in corresponding with you if possible. I'm an honest, trustworthy, sincere and dedicated male, not into games. That's why there is Toy's r Us. I'll be coming to Seattle in the next couple of months. Maybe we can have lunch or dinner? I hope I'm not being to aggressive I just admired what I saw!!!

Meet a man from Sitka, United States. When I was a young man, and for many years that followed, I began to read The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. I learned from his teachings, and I gained insight into the meaning of Love.
One of the passages he wrote said:
Let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Thus, Love is freedom, and Love gives freedom. Our sexual energy, our passions, and our lust are some of the mud, the raw materials, from which Love can grow.
Love starts with Love of our own selves. We must break through the obstacles and barriers that have taught us to hide the Love that exists within each of us. If we break free, our Love can more easily come to the surface and be given. Love is always flowing within us: like digging a well, we must remove the rocks and the dirt that cover the flowing water underneath us, and we find the succulent refreshment and joy that the fresh clean water gives.
Love is commitment, sharing, giving, and receiving. But the reverse is not true; commitment, sharing, giving and receiving do not create Love. Nor do promises, most of which are empty. Commitment is something that can only exist in the present.
Love is not possessive, jealous, or exclusive. Love is not permanent. Love is like a fresh ocean breeze; you can open your windows and let it in, but you destroy it the minute you close the windows to try to keep it inside. This means, for me, that Love is received when it is not needed. When we are blissful, we want to share our bliss with others. We are thankful that someone is there to receive our overflowing bliss. This is Love. This is the Love I want to give and receive.