Date men from United States / Alaska / Sitka, 52 year old

Date a man from United States. Hmmm....... I believe I am outgoing and fun loving in the public, yet enjoy my time at home with family just as much if not more, or peaceful solitude as well. I am committed to being as good a dad as possible to my two boys. They are the apple in my eye (there is room for that one special someone as well). I like all the things that go into being a good father to these two handsome boys. Quality time, participatory, hangin out, just bein there when they want or need the time. I also have coached every sport known to kid-kind. I have fun teaching the kids well. I enjoy many sports, and also officiate sports. It is my personal peace of mind. Just doing it well. That is important, to give a good effort at what I am doing. Good natured, light hearted, I enjoy smiling and like seeing the smile come out in others - maybe yours? I believe I am a pretty fun, gentle, and giving soul who is looking for that lady to complement me and for me to complement her. I appreciate someone who has a sense of self worth. I also appreciate those little things we can do for each other. I like being able to open the car door for you, escorting my friend and partner - the chivalry of life. Yet, I also believe in support for each other's person and personal interests. I believe my partner should be my best friend and visa versa. I like to have fun! Do you? And I want to share that fun with someone special! Drop me a note and say hello! I would enjoy visiting, learning, listening, smiling, laughing......and generlly looking to have fun and keep an open mind and heart to opportunities.......always looking for the good in people and in life...... Enjoy.Hmmm..........describe my ideal match. Well, I think - actually I know - I am looking for someone who is very comfortable with themselves. I enjoy a relationship that has a sense of interdependence. I would enjoy that we share and enjoy each other's lives and successes, that we would be each other's best friend. I would want us to be comfortable such that we are happiest when we are together, yet also smiling while doing our own thing - knowing that there is that special someone that you will be with at the end of the day. I like fun, upbeat, light-heartedness atmosphere and yet I appreciate quiet moments, cuddling, or enjoying snuggling up to a good movie. My partner - this lady - is out there, somewhere. I like someone who is as comfortable in shorts and tshirts being relaxed, ready for playin around, yet is as comfy getting 'dressed to the nines' when the event calls for it. Someone who enjoys quiet times, conversation, busy times, silly times, kid times, and can understand the value of each. Communicating is valuable. Both verbal and nonverbal. It is a key value to a successful long term relationship. I absolutely enjoy seeing old couples that have been together forever....and how comfortable they are with each other's persona....very warming to see. All those other things that we believe to be important to a relationship are a given. I value friendship as the foundation to a long, happy, successful love relationship. Gotta enjoy being around the boys. If there is one thing that I love - it is family, being a dad to two very handsome, fun, smart, gregarious, respectful boys. We do lots together. And if you so happen to have kids to bring into the fold, it can only get more fun! Take care of the home and family and everything else falls into place in the world (work, friends, community activities, etc.). It is fun being able to provide for the home, for the boys. I like that and would hope you would too! perky_keith at the "hutmail" system is one way to find me. I wish you the best in your search!!!! Don't be shy!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm not so sure about this online thing. I would much rather meet someone in person and develop a relationship, but I'll give this a go.
I'm easy-going, enjoy working with teenagers (I'm a teacher), spend as much time as possible outdoors for work and play, and love the Lord and do my best to follow Him in all I do.

Date single man from United States. I'm a regular hard working Guy. I go to work every day, and I love my job. I'm an Electrician. In the beginning, in the northeast, namely the Boston area, I worked about ten years doing Commercial and Industrial. I worked seven years in Germany, at Heidelburg University. Then worked the Shipyards on the Gulf Coast about eight years, doing "marine electrical" mostly building Navy Ships. Now I'm here in the Great White North at a fish factory maintaining electrical continuity for the equipment. I hear there's gold in these here hills.
I'm very fond of Women. I guess my genetics worked out right. I'm not a woman trapped in a man's body, and I'm not a wuss. I'm just a regular guy fitted into a regular guy's body. I like cars, motorcycles, boats, guns, and I have nice tools. I do normal stuff for entertainment, I read, watch TV, go out to eat, and I like to take pictures mostly of nature.
I graduated high school, went to college, served in the Army, and I've traveled. I don't do allot of vacations, but I pick a place where I want to go then get a job there. I like to keep the money coming in, and I stay in shape by working. Its like doing aerobics, keeping the body moving. I'm in perfect health, I take no medications, and have no pains. I live relatively stress free, and I sleep good.

Meet someone special from United States. I am a man that prides himself on hard work, and it's important for me to have fun while working. I love my job and have been with the constrution company for over 20 years before i become my own boss now. I have found that I am an adrenaline junkie because of the nature of my work. I like to relax after a hard day of uctwork by kicking back in the Hot Tub, winter AND summer!
I consider myself very active and in great shape. I have been told that I look great in my Wranglers. I enjoy spending time with my child and love one to be...give her all what she wants in life, put her in the best and lovely place where she will be...