Date men from United States / Alaska / Ketchikan, 31 year old

Date a man from Ketchikan, United States. I would like a lady who would be family oriented, and to be faithful to her family. Not afraid to stand by her man and for what she believes in and what is right. To be understanding of others, and easy to get along with!!!

Meet a soulmate from Ketchikan, United States. Looking for a women who is understanding of different personalities, and loves herself. And is easy and outgoing. Not too high maitinence. I love a women who who is athletic, or atleast somewhat active in anything she loves.

Date someone special from Ketchikan, United States. funny handsome sexy smart enjoys the outdoors fishing hiking dancing watching movies racing dirt bikes talking about interesting things checking out nature driving with my freinds and spending time with my family

Meet single man from Ketchikan, United States. im the run of the mill working class american that dosnt like the way we live and crawl are way to the top. for those how care just want to break even for a chance and go on a real vacation to somewhere hot.