Date men from United States / Alaska / Craig, 54 year old

Date single man from Alaska, United States. I acknowledge the heart as the most powerful of my assets for it is the heart that inherently contains always allows me to say, do and act in the most loving, kind way possible in any given set of circumstances. My age is a great advantage because it has given me the advantage of wisdom and the ability to laugh at life and to enjoy it to the full. I believe fervently in the Law of Attraction and Influence and that the right people will be attracted to me without any further effort on my part...the rest is up to you...Blessings from my heart to yours.I'm searching for my life time partner ("great love")! We’ll enjoy a connection created by healthy communication and compromise. Personal growth would be the core of our relationship. We would know this is the most important key to a healthy, respectful, and lasting love (both for us and others). Holding hands, long sloooow kisses, spooning, slow dancing, and lastly, sharing a desire for passionate intimacy would be a part of our lifestyle.I see us sharing a love and appreciation for nature: walking, hiking, biking, and kayaking. We will know that these simple pleasures enrich our lives and our relationship. I also see us having an enthusiasm for dance, like Dancing with the Stars! Volunteering.I believe we will want to give back to the world by helping the less fortunate and reaching out to people in need! So, do you have a similar belief or dream? Let's make our dream a reality!Best wishes, and thanks for viewing my profile.Create yourself a beautiful life!