Date men from United States / Alabama / Valley Head, 40 year old

Date single man from Alabama, United States. I'm a fun loving, hard working small town lawyer who's still raising kids. I put my age at 40 because there seems to be a big cutoff at age 50 for who will look at your profile. I'm sure everyone who's 50 says this, but I don't feel 50 (whatever that feels like) and I don't think I look 50. I stay busy away from the office, working out and spending time with my kids. I'm very healthy, have a solid sense of humor tinged with a bit of sarcasm. I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh, and laugh along with me when I crack a joke or do something stupid. I love to travel, but I've discovered making memories on the road isn't any good if you don't have someone to share them with. So that's what I'm looking for--someone to share with.