Date a man from United States. Hello, I am a little intimidated by this process. So here it goes. What you get with me is a guy who is hard working, successful, honest and has integrity and tries to do the right things for the right reasons. I am financially responsible and have a great job. I was raised to have manners and have not forgotten those lessons. I say "Thank you" and "You're Welcome" when I am supposed to, and I mean it!! I also know how to say "I am sorry" when I have been wrong or hurtful. I also will hold doors open for Ladies, Ladies with Children, Elderly People and even guys if I am the first to the door. I tend to stick up for the underdog or someone who is being picked on. I am a pretty laid back person but not a push over. I fully expect to pay if I ask you out.
I enjoy spending time outdoors, camping, hiking catching an outdoor concert or long walk on a warm summer evening. I do enjoy catching a Bronco Game once or twice a season, a day at Coors Field is also nice. I am not a fanatic when it comes to sports but do enjoy watching a game once in a while. I value my friends and family and am very lucky to have quality frineds! Backyard BBQ's with friends is always one of my favorite thngs to do. I have a sarcastic sense of humor and tend to be quick witted and can usually hold my own with others. I am an outgoing person when it comes to my work life and dealing with my customers. I tend to be a little shy when meeting someone new but quickly warm up.
I am pretty handy with tools. I can fix a car, but would rather pay to have someone else fix my car unless I am stranded or absolutely need the job done right. I would much rather do home repairs or home improvements! So I don't mind spending a weekend working around the house.
I currently live in Silverthorne but my company is based in Denver, so I spend a lot of time on the front range (Denver, Colorado Springs). So Denver is not too far. Where I live, it is absolutely beautiful. When Ski season comes around, my friends all come out of the woodwork to stay at my place.
I was fortunate to have traveled around the world when I was in the military. This allowed me to gain an appreciation of other cultures and walks of life. I still have lots of places in the U.S. that I still need to see and explore. I am at a point in my life to do a lot more traveling and look forward to finding someone who would enjoy exploring with me.
What I am looking for in a relationship or partner is someone who doesn't like drama. Who can express themselves through positve communication. Someone who takes care of themselves both physically and mentally and doesn't take themselves too serious. I am looking for that natural beauty that just exudes from you. You are classy but doesn't mind getting dirty working in the yard or camping. Looks great in a little black dress or a great pair of jeans. I want someone who is real and can be themselves around me and others. Obviously chemistry is pretty important. The only way to get that is to be able to meet in person for a cup of coffee or something alone those lines. Not looking for a pen pal.
I am not looking for a "Hook - up" , I have seen this concern on many ladies profiles.
If any of this strikes a cord with you, drop me a line and thanks for looking.
Meet someone special from United States. Life is an amazing journey and all the more wonderful and special to experience it with a beautiful, intelligent, fit (in mind, body and soul), and happy person. Successful, happy, very affectionate and fun guy. A few traits i live by... Independent, confident, attractive, funny, affectionate, intimate, honest, authentic, passionate.... I love travel and have grown and learned the most by traveling overseas, especially to 3rd world countries. We are so fortunate to live in a country that has so much. Have had a successful stint as a humanitarian helping firefighters and children in Cambodia for the past 10 years and am transitioning to being more in the moment, listening to my heart and soul, playing and meeting people..... I love to experience all that life has to offer and it would be great to share life with that someone special! I love kissing, snuggling, hugging,laughing, smiling, listening, talking, exploring, cooking, cuddling, watching the night sky....
Date people from United States. Let me tell you a little about myself: I laugh at myself. I take delight in my dog. I've eaten ice cream for breakfast. I love high adventure: I've traveled to some of the best places in the world -- the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia -- and some of the most treacherous. I’ve dined on sometimes-fatal puffer fish in Japan, rancid mutton in Afghanistan and a smothered burrito in a "Tex-Mex" restaurant in Russia. I ski and scuba dive and climb and bike and like to try new things all the time. I clean up well and look smashing in a tuxedo but am just as comfortable in boots and jeans, helping out on the ranch. I can cook some and don't mind doing dishes. I'm good in social settings but prefer hanging out with small groups of friends or enjoying quiet evenings at home. I've been the best man four times. My female friends are always saying they're amazed that I "haven't been caught yet." Maybe it's because I can't sing on key or whistle, or that my skills at auto repair are unfortunately limited. But I'm good at Trivial Pursuit and can tell a pretty funny joke.
I'm self-sufficient, financially stable and happy, and I don't have crazy baggage. I'd like to meet someone with those same qualities. I'm looking for someone who laughs and smiles a lot. I like women with confidence and high self-esteem, but kindness and modesty are just as important. I like women with adventurous spirits and a zest for life. If your name is "Jenny" or "Denise" or "Shawnee-quah," you're in luck: I've already got the tattoo. If not, please consider changing your name to one of those. (See? I CAN make you laugh!)
Finally, I know this profile has had a lot of "I, me, my" in it ... but that's just because I don't know you -- yet. Wouldn't it be great to find that wonderful, happy, secure and delightful relationship that you've always wanted? To fall in love again every day? I'm totally a romantic when it comes to that (gawd, don't tell my buddies, or I'll never hear the end of it!) ... Not looking for perfection (even though I'm certain that you probably are, aren't you?), and don't worry: I'm not the type to go psycho overboard after just meeting you. Let's get a cup of coffee or a lunch and see if we might click, and, if not, hey, it's just a cup of coffee or a lunch!
Thanks so much for checking me out and reading this far! I hope this piques your interest...