Date people from Silt, United States. I am a nice and well mannered man. I am educated but definetly blue collar. I tend to be level headed, polite, and hate drama. I have been single for a couple years, by choice. I like to make people laugh and enjoy laughing myself. I am principled and not shallow. I like intelligent conversation, honesty, and good values. I like a woman who is positive, intelligent, funny, down to earth, honest, and sensitive. Women who are narcissistic, materialistic, overly dramatic, and/or arrogant need not apply. I have been down that road before, really did not have a good time! LOL! I will not be impressed by how much or how little money you have/make/earn/inherit/recieve/or extort. I was raised in the South/Midwest(Translation- I own what I have earned, end of list.) I have dated M.D.s, Major Bank V.P.s, a Convienience store clerk, and a Dental Hygenist (who lied to get her job). I am a Gentleman, you should be a Lady, not in a 1950 sense, it is 2012. I love to sit down, eat, and talk with a woman, as long as you do not order the salad, of course it is what ever you want, but the salad sets off alarms! LOL! I will open doors for you and I say M'aam, when refering to women. If you have a problem with that, too bad, it is how I was raised, call my parents. I am comfortable in my own skin, as should you be. Always room for improvement, but still, I am 43 years old. I tend to say Y'all when refering to a group, I hope that is not a problem. LOL! I can hold a conversation with brain surgeon, but would rather talk with a Machinist, because I will learn something practical from the Machinist. I will post a picture, for I am not hideous, I just have to get one of these kids who work for me to show me how! I have a full head of hair just like Jason Statham, just without all the muscles and the money! I do have a great looking skull, however. I can not believe I just said that, I am pretty sure Y'all can read! Rest assured I look just fine under a camo baseball hat or a cowboy hat (Your choice). I really like Carhartts, they took top honors in the Paris fashion show this year, and I look great in them. I can and will blend in, you may have to show me how! I dont know shit about the Paris fashion show, yet I understand there may be more out there than work clothes, maybe not. I will wear the pants, you tell me what color. I still favor camoflage. LOL! I understand animals and they understand me. Sometimes I like animals more than humans, as animals do not lie and they are always happy to see you, even if you have had a bad day.