Date men from United States / Colorado / Denver, 33 year old - page 4

Date someone special from Denver, United States. The first thing you need to know about me is that I am in a wheelchair do to a motorcycle racing accident and am paralyzed from the chest down. Other than that I still believe in living life to its fullest and I dont let it stop me from doing what I want. I like being out n about doing things, weather its going for a spin on my road bike, riding my dirt bike, crushing some plates at the gym, bbqing, a weekend camping trip, or just enjoying happy hour with friends. Joking around and having fun is essential. I believe you can make any situation fun... Isn't that what life is about! I think I'm pretty whitty but that depends on the day I suppose. Im often sarcastic, I call it like I see it and am always down for a spontaneous adventure. My friends and family are a big part of my life and I wouldn't be who I am without them. Im looking for someone that is my best friend, someone that makes me laugh and smile. Someone that I love spending my time with. I also need someone that's open, honest, drama free (were all adults here) and isn't afraid to speak there mind. I belive honesty and communication are the keys to a successful relationship.
All that being said I understand the whole wheelechair thing is a bit different but just because I roll instead of walk I'm no different than anyone else. I'm independent, have a full time job, I own my own home (however I don't live there, stairs and a wheelchair isn't the sweetest combo), and a car. I'm not angry or jaded about my situation and feel I have a blessed life with great friends and family. I'm not looking for a hand out, just someone to share my life and grow old with. If you have any questions please ask, I'm an open book.

Meet a man from Denver, United States. Hi There, My name is Daren. I was born and raised in Colorado and definitely like to stay active doing all of the Colorado things there are to do! I am really enjoying boot camp style fitness classes at the moment and go every day that I can. I didn't really want to fill this out right now but it is making me before it'll let me do anything else. That being the case... I am a fun guy that likes to do fun things, try new things or just make up my own adventures! I think this is enough for now. Happy Hunting!

Date single man from Denver, United States. Some stuff about me:
* Terrible jobs that I worked to travel to beautiful places: scooping ice cream in Yellowstone (to hike), jockeying a cash register on Mammoth Mountain (to ski), and temping in Boston (to be in the city).
* How I studied for the bar: daily Chautauqua hikes with the exam lectures blasting on my headphones.
* Weekday mornings = 4 cups of coffee: 1 for the workout, 1 for the bicycle commute, 1 for procrastinating with the paper, and 1 for actually working.
* Epic pass, not Colorado pass.
* High school baseball nickname: Snuffy.
* Why that high school nickname: Big, strong, and good-natured. And, when I run, I kinda look like a muppet.
* My best summer: on Cape Cod, rebuilding a friend's generations-old family cabin.
* My favorite website: Personalized Google Maps and Calender, since it allows me to flag every restaurant, club, dive bar, play, hike, and sporting event that I have gone to or would like to go to. I hope you'll join me for one of them.

Meet a soulmate from Denver, United States. I'm an easy going guy who enjoys what life has to offer.
I have played in bands since I was a teenager and absolutely love it. But fret not, I have no rockstar delusions or aspirations, I just enjoy the work put in with friends into creating something together. It is my greatest release. The bonds I have built with others through music are life lasting and will be cherished always.
Not just a musician however, I enjoy cycling, good food(a little bit of a foodie), traveling, movies, sports and so on and so on. I am a bartender and enjoy the social aspect of the service industry. It's fun to meet people and listen to what they have to say. It's amazing what people are willing to tell their bartenders! I feel I'm pretty friendly and people seem to be comfortable telling my their stories time after time.
I'm looking for a fellow laid back, friendly person who also enjoys life and isn't afraid of some adventure.
There is much more I'd like to share but I'll leave that up to you. Hope to hear from you!

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. I'm a self-proclaimed Culture Nerd, but I also possess an interest in many different subjects. Basically I love learning about (practically) everything, from the solo works by members of my favorite band to complicated science stuff to great works of cinema to pointless tv trivia, I'm out to absorb as much of it as I can.
When it comes to music, I actually prefer to call myself a 'Music Geek'. I'm constantly seeking out & listening to new songs/bands/musicians (as well as great older stuff I missed along the way) that cross my path in some way; I recently had the chance to cull all the music I possess into a single itunes library and was still slightly disappointed to discover that it would only take about a 1/3 of a year to listen to my entire collection (for now anyway). If motivated & in the company of people who are interested, I can prattle on for hours about all sorts of music history & band trivia (occasionally this can happen without provocation though). At the moment I have a couple of modest music-inspired tattoos, but I'm gearing up to get a fairly substantial Pink Floyd artwork-inspired half-sleeve at the start of next year. I love playing guitar & bass (I collect guitars as well), although at the moment it's strictly for fun and my skill level is only slightly above amateur (I'd call it 'Inter-Beginner Intermediate'), however, if you personally have little to no music training or knowledge I can probably fake some level of professionalism; if I'm playing bass it almost sounds like Advanced-Intermediate Beginner.
I live for live music, but the price of tickets and the difficulty in finding friends who are willing to check out new music has cut back on the overall number of shows I've gone to in the last couple of years. As a result, my favorite venues are the small to mid-size theaters: the Ogden, the Bluebird, the Soiled Dove, the Walnut Room, the Gothic (where all the best bands with genuinely affordable tickets usually play). I still like the Fillmore from time to time, but only if I'm at the front of the stage. I've written off the Pepsi Center thanks to bad sound & crappy seats (sorry if you're an arena rock fan). Although Red Rocks trumps all venues and I make every effort possible to see at least a couple shows during the concert season and most of the Films On The Rocks, I'll even drive up there just for the chance to hike around for a couple hours.
I love delving into the world of science (even just saying the word out loud, emphatically... "SCIENCE!" [like in the Thomas Dolby song]). I primarily go about this by reading amazing (and relatively [not an intended pun] complicated) books about space, time, physics, quantum mechanics and the history of different scientific fields & people (particularly Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Neil DeGrasse Tyson & Michio Kaku). I'm particularly fond of books that incorporate science with elements of pop culture, history & sociology.
I'm ultimately looking for someone who also enjoys engaging in spirited conversations about significant metaphysical concepts, trashy celebrity gossip crap, crazy scientific discoveries & random pop culture observations; sometimes (often times) within the same conversation.
And although it may seem shocking to hear from a guy, I am legitimately looking for a long-time relationship. Not right off the bat, of course, I definitely want to really get to know somebody first, but I've never been particularly good at dating, nor have I liked it, and I really want to find the woman I can spend the rest of my life with.

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. What should I say here?. I try to stay true to myself and what I believe, in life in love and everything in between. I value the simple things and try not to take life for granted. I'm usually calm on the surface but have a million things cooking in my head. I dream big and rarely give up on my aspirations? this is starting to sound like a resume. I enjoy laughing with friends and family. I love to travel; road trips and random destinations are always fun. I play basketball, swim sometimes and workout almost every day.

Date single man from Colorado, United States. Me?
New arrival to town seeks brainiac beauty who is easy-going, emotionally accessible, and has no active restraining orders.
South Carolina born and bred, I called Atlanta my home for the last 12 years until the Rocky Mountain splendor of Colorado seduced me westward. In three words I'd describe myself as loyal, ambitious, and witty. Through the years, I've dabbled in martial arts, shooting, and stand-up comedy. While I can hit a bulls eye at 500 yards, rocking a room of 250 people is far more cool! In my downtime my passions are politics, reading, and exploring this beautiful State.
For starters you can carry on a conversation about a topic other than sports. I won't catch you looking down my shirt in the first 5 minutes, nor change the subject whenever I talk about having a family one day. Still with me? Your friends would say your best quality is your sense of humor. You like nice things but don't require them. Don't wish to just settle down, but wish to find your better half. Above all else, you value open communication. We work things out face to face and not through your Facebook wall.

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. She likes smiling talking also like animals near by me can teach me english like to experess her self like all type of food if possible
I do not what else in my mand she likes to read story and see movies and hang out with me also has free time and in weekend we travle around america going to New York and all cities

Date someone special from United States. Hi! let me start off by saying I am looking for a woman for a real relationship not just a fling! I work full time and am working on my Degree at CCD so life is great for me here in Denver I am just missing someone to share it with. I am an adventurer by nature love a new challenge or experience. I'm not afraid to try anything! I like go out to dinner,yoga,running,skiing and snowboarding with my brother and sister, car shows, live concerts! anything from reggae, punk, bluegrass, rockabilly, hip hop, even country (I like any one willing to get on stage and try), I'll be the first one to sing about any 80's and 90's song poorly. I love cooking amazing food especially on the grill. I live alone right now with my dog, am a big tattoo fan have arm and leg sleeve and working on more as well. Grew up a military brat and lived all over until I was 14. I moved to Colorado about 2 years ago and I love it here! I speak a little Spanish but have been getting better and would like to learn another like Russian, Arabic, or French. My family all lives close and we get together pretty regularly for car shows and mountain trips depending on the season. so I've If you like a nerdy guy with tattoos and fun times hit me up!

Meet a man from United States. I grew up in North Carolina and spent most of my college/grad school days in the same town where I grew up. I moved away after law school and never looked back. I am a lawyer at a downtown firm. I travel a lot but that gives me a very flexible schedule. I am a huge baseball fan, love skiing in the winter, hiking in the summer and happy hours any season.
As for who I am looking for... I have no idea how to answer that question because every single quality you could list sounds more like a dating website buzz word. Let's face it, sometimes people just click when they meet and have fun hanging out and arent we all looking for that? I do want to be with someone who is confident about her career and enjoys being active especially on the weekends.
That being said, if you are interesting in meeting up for a drink I am always interested. I live and work in LoDo but I am extremely interested in exploring unique neighborhood bars around Denver.

Date single man from United States. I travel all over the world much of the time for work and pleasure. That being said I'd like to slow down a little and meet some cool interesting people or maybe just find a special partner in crime. I consider myself smart, fun, flexible, open-minded, and laid-back. Looking for someone similar who has the same zest for life and desire to explore everything. I'm here to meet new people and possibly kidnap someone special to join me on my adventures. If you want to know anything else please ask, self description boxes are pretty lame.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I know exactly whay I am looking for in a woman but I have had some trouble finding that person. That's why I thought I would give Match a try. I am a hopeless romantic and I want someone who appreciates every thoughtfull gesture. I am very passionate when it comes to the people I love and I find great pleasure in making them happy. My friends would probably describe me as loyal, considerate, Funny and outgoing. I will always go the extra mile to make someone laugh or smile.
My edeal match would be someone who is inteligent, whitty, stable, has an amazing sense of humor and sense of adventure. She must have a good sense of style and love music as much as I do. I can be pretty obnoxious at times so I need someone who can handle that and keep up with me.