Date men from United States / Colorado / Silverthorne, 33 year old

Date a man from Silverthorne, United States. Hello:
As implied by my header line I am an engineer. I am not sure what all one might associate with this but I do fit the introverted and analytical stereotype somewhat. As also implied in my header line I desire a companion.
I am interested in a woman who is open-minded and physically active. I appreciate a person who has a wide range of interests and strives to achieve goals that they set for themselves. A nice smile and playful sense of humor are also characteristics I appreciate.
A bit of background on me: Originally from western Canada, I came to the USA for my first engineering job after graduating (~3 yrs ago). Since then it has been a great experience learning more about the States and making some great friends. I started off in the Arizona desert and made my way to the Colorado Rockies. I was glad to make the transition from playing in the open desert to playing in the snow.
Above are just a few words of my pitch. If you would like to share anything about yourself with me, let me know.