Date men from United States / Colorado / Arvada, 33 year old

Date single man from United States. So...I did a little personality test; it was not too far off and probably describes me better than I could...this is what it said about me:
You are popular, trustworthy and dependable. People like you for many reasons; among them you tend to be stable, loyal and caring and you have a wonderful knack for common sense.
You are a guardian. Your relationships with friends, kin and colleagues are important to you. So you spend time and energy developing and nurturing these social networks.
You are a good executive and manager. People almost instinctively feel you can supervise financial, business and social issues effectively. And because you are sensible, factual, affable and socially savvy, you can. You work hard. You like plans and schedules. You are detail oriented. You follow the rules. And you tend to respect customs and traditions.
You have an impetuous, spontaneous, fun loving side, however. You like novelty-with in limits. And you have a lot of interests. This impetuous spirit adds energy and freshness to your sensible temperament, catches your friends off guard and makes you both dependable and exciting.
relating to others
You admire people who are traditional, responsible, precise and orderly, yet spontaneous, socially savvy and affable. And you enjoy new and different ideas and experiences, as long as they are not dangerous or too "far out." Respectability and appropriateness are important to you. You build deep and enduring friendships.
love and relationships
As a Builder, you feel comfortable with a partner like yourself: someone who likes all sorts of social activities, someone with your sense of duty and tradition, and someone who is loyal, predictable and interested in family and community. You also admire people who are generally frugal-except when the appropriate adventure comes along. And you like a partner who has good manners, old-fashioned courtesy, unambiguous values and social grace. Nevertheless, you try new things and explore new ideas and you particularly like people who share your energy and curiosity. Now and then you "live it up."
This is what I wrote:
Me....I love to laugh, it is a necessity. I work hard for what I have but I also know how to enjoy it. I am always looking for an adventure and to experience new things, so im looking for someone that does the same. Sports are also a big part of my life whether its playing, coaching or just watchig. I am a pretty simple minded mans man goof that likes to be a smartass sometimes but still knows how to romance a woman.
I would like.... a woman that knows how to have fun but can still take care of them self. Someone that can enjoy me and not get overwhelmed with the fact that I am raising my daughter(just myself since I was 18).

Meet a man from United States. I love to laugh and just have a good time. I am caring, dependable, loyal, and fun (wow from my description I guess you better like dogs:) I am very fortunate for the family and friends I have in my life. Without them I would not be the man I am today.
I keep an active lifestyle. Biking (spandex not leather please don't judge), running, hiking, skiing, lifting, basketball, etc. I keep myself in good shape and would like to find someone who shares some of my same interests.
I'm looking for someone to experience life with and create stories that will make me a better man. Coming from a small town in Colorado, I know there are many things I have yet to be a part of and I would like to find someone to share those with. Open to relationships that turn into something deeper or just friends.
If you like what you've seen and read message me. Not a fan of writing profiles, I'm way better in person.

Date someone special from United States. how to discribe myself hmmm... think I'd rather take a physics exam. Well what can I say I enjoy pretty much everything that everyone else does. I work outside everyday so love the outdoors. I enjoy nights in with a movie or going out on the town (I clean up pretty well). I Train in Mixed Martial arts and own a fightwear clothing and supply company, Really love going to local fights and the UFC. I also compete in competitive shooting, so if ya wanna go shooting I'm always up to teach firearms skills, plus its so much fun to go shoot some targets! I've got a great sense of humor, I think thats what keeps me from taking things to seriously. but I'm also drivin to exell at many things in my life. I've got a great job as a Lineman for a local CO-OP that challenges me everyday and gives me a great sense of accomplishment. plus my office window has a great view (see the pics). I live in the mountains, (and by that I mean at 9000 feet, I dont have a King Soopers just around the corner lol).... As for what I'm looking for in a person thats hard to describe also, I guess I'm looking for a spark both physically and mentally. I know I could go on and on if I really thought about it, but I think its better to get to know someone through conversation so drop a line, ask some questions, theres alot to know about someone its got to start somewhere!

Meet a soulmate from United States. My closest friends say Im the nicest guy they know. Unfortunately that doesnt seem to be what people look for. Hahaha. But I refuse to become a jerk to meet people. Im honest, respectful, and very easy going. If you'd like to know more then feel free to ask.

Date single man from Arvada, United States. Normal person, hapy, some times passionate for the sea but always a friend.
I enjoy with friend a good conversation and company.
I enjoy the open areas and the oportunity to see new things around the word.

Meet a man from Arvada, United States. I'm new to Denver and I am excited to get to know some new friends! I've lived enough life to know what I want, know what I don't want and am now happy to let life unfold at its own pace. I'm hoping to meet someone who wants to have good times, share inspiration and enjoy new discoveries. I care most about quality in all things - a glass of water, the freshness of mountain air, the crust of fresh baked bread, the aroma in a glass of wine. Smiles and laughter, gazing and moments of quiet, tension and relief - in short, I desire my life to be playful and light hearted, rich with sensual appreciation of experience and deep in connection, in relationships. I like to look at the stars, make soup, read a book on the couch on a rainy day, sip a huge mug of coffee while listening to npr on the weekend, have picnics, swim in freezing water - exploration and adventure keep me happy. I'm equally at home with a pizza and beer as I am with seared duck and Burgundy - popcorn and a movie, or a walk in the park. Perhaps, its best to just jump in the water when the impulse appeals - no sense sitting on the edge all life long with just your toes wet, unless you've got a good friend to keep you company there : )

Date someone special from Arvada, United States. I'm a work-hard and play-hard weekend dad. Driven to succeed in everything I do, but laid back enough to roll with the punches of life. I'm an adventurous kind of guy with a healthy competitive streak. Happy to give just about anything a shot at least once.
I'm looking for an even keeled gal who enjoys life. Someone with a quick wit and a sharp tounge. The kind of girl who would try something just to say "I did it!'. Basically, I'm looking for someone cool to share my life with.

Meet a soulmate from Arvada, United States. I am just a shy, nerdy guy looking for a sweet girl. I am looking for someone to spend my life with, someone I can raise children with. I am up to do pretty much anything. I think who I am with is more important than what I am doing. I enjoy sitting around talking and laughing with friends, and really what is the point if you don’t laugh. I am close with my family and love spending time with my two year old nephew. I love children. My parents have been doing foster care since I was about 14 years old. I always enjoyed helping care for the children I our home. I have found it very rewarding to be able to give love to so many kids who really needed it. I like to cook, but I like to eat more. For recreation I enjoy bowling, shooting pool, and watching the Broncos and Rockies. I also like to go camping and sailing.

Date single man from Colorado, United States. My ideal match would be someone who probably has kids. With a positive attitude and charisma to match. Someone that is done with the drama and wants a life partner that will love them back the same. Someone Independent and knows where they are going in their life and is looking for similar interests from their significant other. I love blonde to dark hair. I love tattoos. Women that are goal oriented, have a career and aren't looking for a free ride I am also very fond of :) I am not affraid of kids that aren't mine.
Everyone is kind hearted, independent, passionate, loves to laugh, simple, no drama, caring, love their family and friends. Every single profile is looking for the same thing. So I will keep mine list simple:
I love being happy, looking for same. :)
I'm a family man. Not a player. I have cheesy lines that make you smile, not offend you. I treat women with respect. I love to laugh and I think I am pretty quick witted. I love to talk about life experiences, it helps when having a stimulating conversation instead of meaningless chat that gets no where while wondering if you really just wasted all that time and could have been reading a book.
Little bit about me. I have tattoos. When I wear clothing you dont see much. I love art and will be adding more as my life goes on. I have blonde hair and usually it is buzzed. My picture is how I usually look in public. I wear hats but not all the time. I'm not bald or going bald. I look pretty young for my age thank goodness. I have facial hair that I shave off on any givin day I wake and decide hair isn't for me that day. I like shopping at thrift stores, craigslist rocks for anything you could ever need. I can fix cars with almost any issue but don't like to be greasy. I do plumbing and home improvements with ease. I am a real handyman/MacGuyver as usually I never have the right tools to get the job done but I find a way.
Little about Women: I don't stare, gawk, whistle or do anything degrading to get womens attention in public. Thats just rude. I believe I really am a great guy that any woman would want to know. I have worked for only 2 companies in the last 10 years and recently moved over to my 3rd and hopefully last company until I retire. That means I work... have a job and can keep a job.
I really feel like I'm a car salesman trying to pitch an extended warrantee so I'm going to stop. If this feels like a connection, send me your contact info! Winks are nice too!

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. Just lookin to find someone like myself. Honest, loving, caring. I consider myself hard workin, funny, pretty easy goin. I would like to expand my mind and skills. Sometimes i feel kind of i have nothin el to say

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. I'm a funny and entertaining person. I like to joke around and have a good time but am also a little old fashioned when it comes to being sensitive and understanding that not everyone is the same. The differences are what make us fun to be around. Looking for a vivacious and honest lady that I can relate to. Must care about their health and enjoy trying new things. I am interested in being motivated to try new things myself and it would be great to have a partner in crime.

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Dedicated, ambitious, attractive, smart, devious, loyal, honest, humorous, deep, dependable, solid,...I can keep going but...Maybe I should let you figure out for yourself. You didn't want to read a bunch of malarkey anyway, did you?