Date a soulmate from Eagle, United States. Friday: Live theater/music, comedy club or unusual movie. Saturday: Hike in the mountains. Sunday: Lazy/recharge day. Now, maybe not all of those EVERY weekend. But if you are a woman that can enjoy those things, can move from one to the other, can be classy and groomed one day and sweaty the next, we just might have a shot. Although looks count (Come on, they do.), I need more. Give me brains, ambition, creativity, wit, etc. I get what I want or I hold my breath until my face turns blue. Which might explain my long dating dry spell and smurf-like complexion.
About four years ago I became much more aware of my health and weight. It's important for me to find someone health conscious but, not necessarily obsessed. I enjoy movies, stand-up comedy, cooking, hiking, tennis, fencing (the sport, not selling stolen items), and good conversation most of all. I don't enjoy dancing. I've been known to go to bars for the live music.
Though I'm not religious myself, I get along fine with most religious people. All the same, if you think the world is only 6000 years old or that dinosaur bones are a test of faith, maybe we're not so compatible. Although I give off the squeeky-clean Young Republican vibe, I swear I'm not (not Republican anyway).
I'm 27, look 20, and act 30 . So drop me a line if you're looking for a cherubic curmudgeon who doesn't need a thesaurus to come up with "cherubic curmudgeon."