Date single man from Centennial, United States. Winston Churchill said, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” I believe in the wisdom of those words. I have always been a positive thinker and an ambitious person. The way I see it, jump a hurdle rather than brood about it being there in the first place. I want to live life fully in the time that I have, to try and enjoy the challenges that life puts before me, and to develop deep and meaningful relationships with the people I care about.
I think the way to achieve a lasting and mutually rewarding connection with someone special, is to build on shared values, a strong sense of trust in each other, the ability to laugh and have fun, to dream, to be partners and best friends. The ordinary can become magic, when love shines its light on two people who care deeply for each other.
I love spontaneity and believe that we make our own happiness as we go. Communication, the ability to talk through any situation, good or bad, is fundamentally important. Being able to work through differences or celebrate the good times together requires open and honest interaction. I see it as the bedrock on which a successful partnership is built.
For fun, I love all kinds of water and snow sports, both watching and participating. I also enjoy live music concerts, but they’re most fun when you have someone along to appreciate them with. I also like traveling when I can. I’ve been to many amazing destinations, but travel is another thing that’s better in the company of a beautiful lady. I have an adventurous spirit and a willingness to learn about and try anything new or interesting that comes my way. I think it would be wonderful to meet a woman who has that same kind of energy and passion for life. Maybe she’s reading this profile right now…