Date men and women from California, United States. My best trait, perhaps, is that I am not at all moody. I am optimistic, cheerful, and, I am told that I am easy-to-be-with. Integrity is the hallmark of my life. Probably my least desirable trait is that I am not a very social animal. Large groups and loud parties make me tense and uncomfortable. I prefer small, intimate groups where I can get to know individuals and share ideas. I also enjoy being alone and need quiet time to recharge my batteries.
I wake up early each morning, and I don't need a cup of coffee to get my first eye open. I bounce out of bed around 6:00, and don my grubbies for an hour's walk. I seem to have more energy that the average, and buzz around all day, trying to make each day special in some way. The down side of this is that by 8:00 or 9:00 at night the bed looks more and more inviting.
Meditation brings me back to my Center. I need it to keep a healthy perspective and help me not take myself too seriously.
I love animals...especially dogs. They make my heart sing.
My family is very special...each of my children and grandchildren brings me joy and makes me very proud. And, my friends are my lifeline. I have only a few, but they are very important in my life.
Photography has taken the place of my youthful hobbies of flying, tap dancing, cycling, golf, and tennis. I do still walk a few miles a day and do Pilates.three times a week.
Laughter is the "opium" of life for me. I see the humor in every day situations, and if I can meet a man who can giggle over the silly things in life, he most likely will appeal to me. I might add, he needs to be intelligent and curious; and of course, he needs to be open to adventure.
I am looking for a mate who loves his life, yet who wants to share humor, joy, love, and travel. He needs to be deep, sensitive, and be interested in the world around him. He also needs to be self sufficient emotionally, and secure financially.