Date women from United States / Arkansas / Batesville, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Not filling this out now, just want to browse, online dating has been an experience to say the least. Wow...Not sure if I'm up to doing it again. Does anyone want to share their dates from hell with me for a good laugh?

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am a very positive person. I have a smile and keep a smile on my face most of the time. My ideal friend would be a positive person as well. Someone to have fun with and enjoy life in a positive way. Maybe go the movies or just be around God's beautiful creation. I do not like drama. I am divorced and look at it as a teaching tool not a way to torture men! We are all different and have our own paths. If our paths should cross I hope to show you what having fun is all about. Life is to short to sit around and waste away worrying all the time. Life will be what life will be.

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. I have been divorced for almost a year, and would like to just find a friend to message at first. I am in no rush what so ever to jump into a relationship. If you are looking for someone to hop in bed with, please click the back button. I have high values, believe in God, and have good morals. I am looking for someone with the same ideas. If you are ready to get serious right away, then I am not your girl. I am self sufficient, and am doing good alone with my son. I would simply like to see what is out there, not ready to bring it in here. Someone to talk to and get to know. I am a shy person until I get to know someone. But I am also a kind hearted person , I care about people. I love children and the elderly . I try to treat everyone how I would like to be treated. Please remember "Slow". If you think you fit my description, message me.

Meet a soulmate from Batesville, United States. I can be funny have a good personality and i spend most of my time wit my two girls i love tha outdoor and cn get along wit just bout anybody i love to fish and go to tha lake and hang out wit my friends and i also am a kinda girl tat dosnt mind to get her hands dirty love to work and try to make tat money i have a two year old little girl and a three year old they are my whole world