Date women from United States / Arkansas / Eureka Springs, 42 year old

Date a woman from United States. Someone to take long walks on the beach with, haha. Actually someone who doesnt mind the fact that i have kids that need me. I am a single mom with 5 kids and am very busy to say the least. I just am looking for a companion to spend my evenings with

Meet someone special from United States. I always say I was raised in chicago but grew up in LA, after living there 14 of my young adult years. If I could choose to be anything professionally other than what I am I would want to be a virus hunter. The combination of science geek, risk taker, remote primitive locations and saving the world makes me a bit tingly all over. But alas, it is not in the cards. Not a career move amenable for a single mother of a 5 year old. Speaking of which…if the idea of becoming a father to a beautifully sweet, wildly funny petite fairy does not warm your heart then hit the back button. To describe myself feels daunting. My friends should do this part. They often reflect to me: I have an alarmingly quick wit, have an acute awareness to detail internally and externally, that sometimes I worry too much, I lead a sensual life, am loyal and heartfelt to the core, they love that I love to feed them, have an incredible ability to communicate feelings and thoughts and am the silliest serious person they know. I've been described physically as buxom yet petite, curvy yet athletic, slender, compact etc. I only mention this as not to decieve... I don't know what I am. I just picked one for the profile. You make your own choice. I am short...that much I know. I love my vintage heels but on most days you’ll find me in my converse and a tee working from home. Although I live a quiet life it would be nice to create a bit more balance. It would be lovely to have dinner out where the conversation did not include “please baby, sit on your bottom and use your fork.” My perfect weekday in this present life is to take my daughter to school then hit the bar…the ballet barre that is. I could then come home and eat lunch out in the sun and not stress about all the work I have to accomplish in the next few hours and it would get done none-the-less. I don’t view my lifestyle as active, I view myself as having an active life. My work, my creativity, my spirituality are all interwoven into my physical being. My masters degree centered around the body, my work/hobbies all center around being in-bodied. Dance/yoga (not just asana) are an integral part of who I am. Some weeks I am able to do all, some weeks none, but it is always with me. I have advanced training in Tantric (no, not sexual tantra) hatha yoga, kundalini yoga and have studied many forms of dance. Leading workshops and being a mom keep me ever humbled. All of these are my soul’s expression and serve to keep love, gentleness and self awareness forefront in my relationships. I have been taken out at the knees in this life (haven't we all, honestly) and have managed to manifest some greatness despite this. I am a firm believer that our thoughts create our reality and I am a testament to this. Life ebbs and flows…we must remain flexible and creative. After much self work I have learned to breathe and accept. I have days where my patience is tested because I have a deadline and need to mom-up but a giggle and a deep breath reframe it all. I love travel and a perfect trip would be off the map or to throw out the city map and just explore. I am a bit of a design buff and soon will build the house I envisioned . I come from a large extended family. I spend my summers at my cottage on Lake Mich. It is my sanity and my utopia. Despite my liberal bohemian upbringing I crave simplicity and chivalry. I know enough at this point that relationships take work but you know it is right when you are excited to do the work with your partner. I go weak over smiling eyes, strong hands and a capable man. I know that a grounded passionate strength and a gentle yet silly nature compliment me. I want to be the exquisite/rare paper tucked in the envelope. I want to know that I fit perfectly and exclusively. I desire what is written on that paper to be understood (humor included), appreciated and folded carefully when needed. Belly laughing at the absurdity of life is a cure all.

Date a soulmate from United States. There are too many things I'm looking for in a man and I seriously doubt any will fit the bill because I've already found the perfect man but he doesn't want me. It's his loss I know. He's just too stupid to know what's best for him. He chose his sister over me and that really makes me furious. He is so funny and smart and kind... but I don't know why he can't get out from under her spell because she is poison.