Date women from United States / Arkansas / Siloam Springs, 18 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. im a fun girl looking for anyone in the career cops or medical and im honest and i wan t o go to school to become a firefighter and emt my perfect match i would have to say is an honest guy likes to have fun and a guy tht likes to be outdoors im a city girl and country girl

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. my friends would describe me as a nice quit person and it makes me smile when some ome does something for me i am very gratful for ever thing in my life its very hard to get me to laugh out loud but when some one gets me to laugh out loud it means i trust my self being around them and to enjoy being around that person and i sport a man in the army

Date young girl from Arkansas, United States. im a fun girl looking for anyone in the career cops or medical and im honest and i dont want to be hurt i love basketball and football and i like guys who work out but not alot and i like guys with trucks especially fords