Date women from United States / Arkansas / Compton, 18 year old

Date someone special from Compton, United States. Lets see I'm an aspiring actress Im confident I know what I want and with something I really want I'm going to do everything in my power to get it, doesn't matter if its a goal, dream, object or person. Don't get me wrong I'm humble and in no way conceded. And I have the whole package beauty, brains and ambition. With an outgoing and funny and fun personality to match.

Meet a soulmate from Compton, United States. He has to like kids know how to treat a woman he has to respectful an athletic very romantic good looking has goals for his self and doesn't believe in outing how hands on a woman also has to be able to make me smile

Date young girl from Compton, United States. Well, i honestly can't stand ignorant people. I may not be the smartest person alive, but I also don't claim to be. I'm always straight forward with everything no matter what it may be.. I'm a very OPEN person, & i need someone that aint so shy! I need a MAN, not a boy tryna play games. Yes, im young. But i know what i want.. I dont hold anything back. i say whats on my mind nd how i feel! I trust people way to much!! Church is a BIG part of my life I dont party, i have but i dont like too. i dont do drugs. I hate when guys try to HARD! dont send me a message that says " hi, how are you?" LAME! Change it up for once.. i would rather watch movies & cuddle all day then Go party or shopping! like i love to hear about other people.. so i would much rather love to get a two page message then a short message saying you're beautiful.. *- i am VERY DITtZZy! i walk into things, tripppp over my own feet ,say things that make no sense. i laugh at the simplest things. im always smiling... So if you think you can hang, hmu