Date women from United States / Arkansas / Clarksville, 18 year old

Date someone special from Clarksville, United States. I'm an art major at college with so many dreams that I want to accomplish. I love children because I come from a big family, I also love animals. I know some japanese and plan on learning other languages as well as sign language. According to my friends I'm quite crazy and shy. I like to get to know people so message me if you want to talk. I am kind of awkward when you first meet me.

Meet a soulmate from Clarksville, United States. well im a really fun and out goin person i love anything that sounds fun to me. what im looking for in a relationship is someone that is a very nice and fun person to be around thats a very hard and good workin person. there is never a time that i aint laughing except for when im upset, i love to smile i want some one thats happy all the time and not all bi polar or anything. thats not even my type at all i cant stand to be around bi polar people or men, but if you wanna know anything else then just ask dont be afraid...