Date women from United States / Arkansas / Menifee, 18 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Well to start it off my name is Valerie and I am fun and outgoing. When you first meet me I'm really shy but once I get to know you, I will be myself 100% I love going out and exploring new things and I also like listening to music. I would like to meet someone who is funny, nice,and could always put a smile on my face. I'm not looking for a serious relationship.

Meet young girl from Arkansas, United States. My Name is Uniqua im 18 im looking for a guy that can respect me and make happy , me smile , make me laugh when im down. A guy that put family first. A guy that can like me for me and wouldnt care what anybody say. im passionate about dancing. Sometimes i get upset and be mad for awhile but who doesnt. TYGA and my family make me happy. i do have trust issues with guys because of my past but i been single for awhile and im ready to date agan