Date women from United States / Arkansas / Paragould, 19 year old

Date someone special from Paragould, United States. She is very fun and caring! She is on flagline, in band, plays softball and does pageants. She hates people that short text.. she likes to be able to hold a conversation with a person. She is not shy at all. She just needs someone to show her a good time and relax her.

Meet a soulmate from Paragould, United States. I am 18. I have had 3 kids. With my first i had a little girl but i had her early an she didn't make it. Her name was kailynn an she weghed 1 pound an 5 ounces. My second, i have a little boy. His name is jordyn. He is almost 2. I had him at 29 weeks an he weighed 2 pounds an 13 ounces. I am 36 weeks preg. an i am having a little girl. Her name is jailynn. I do not do drugs, smoke, or drink. I am just coming out of a 4 year long relationship. I am 5 "2". I have brown and blonde hair and blue eyes. I love to work but am unable to right now. I love to spend time with my son. I am working on my GED. I try to keep my head held high an make the best of everything. Well, i do believe thats all i can think of right now! =)