Date women from United States / Arkansas / Paragould, 63 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am a lady in transition. I am seeking someone who realizes how special life is and how important sharing is. I want someone to help me fill whatever remaining years God has planned for me. Happiness is my main priority. Mine as well as the friend I am lucky enough to find. It would be nice if this person shared some of the same interest as myself. And, I'm open to trying new adventures also. I'm not much into the bar or club scene. I'm not much of a drinker. I enjoy a glass of wine sometimes. Even a mixed drink once in a great while. But it would be odd for me to drink more that two. I love music and dancing. Not much at playing cards or board games. I'll go for a walk with and camping anytime! Check out a cave or museum. Love to take in a play or a movie.
The friend I'm looking for needs to have a light-hearted outlook on life. I see so many people that seem to be so unhappy. I've always been told if you aren't happy with yourself, you can't be happy with someone else.
If any of this makes any sense to you, let's talk.
I am so very starved for conversation!
I'll have to add that I am very involved with the lives of my grand children. They are very important and I love them all dearly.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I am a woman looking for a man to live out my life with. tired of dating and not making contact with the right person. I am a fun person to be around and I love to fish and camp. Also, I can be very serious if the need arises, but I am currently just looking for a good man that will make me smile