Date men from United States / Arkansas / Mountain View, 56 year old

Date a soulmate from Mountain View, United States. my friends would say WAIT WHAT FRIENDS tthat iam fun to be around always having a good time some of the smallest things make me smile My childern and grandchilder are special to me and iam very proud of them Iam proud of my health and my family I would like to meet someone with similiar interests My social circle is made up mostly of my family I laugh out load at funny things whatever it may be at the moment Iam looking for someone to be friends first and see where it goes ive been through enough BS already I am passionate about my family,friends,pets and the things i can help make better

Meet someone special from Mountain View, United States. I Vhave a broken heart, but I think I did it to myself Very pssionate about sports. I think you have to be friends before anything else. A smile is a given. I look more for honesty, and the truth the anything else.

Date a man from Mountain View, United States. I push myself hard physically and mentally. I weight-lift and bicycle daily, practice nutritional excellence, study stocks, invest for financial independence, read, think, and reflect. I'm entrepreneurial and have had done six software start-ups in Silicon Valley. I'm drawn to challenges and an edginess to life. I like long drives, the ocean, good dinners (preferably Asian, love sushi), sunrises and sunsets by the ocean, a slow drink in a quiet setting with the right person, simple pleasures, cooking together, great physical connection, and passionate kissing. Traveled extensively throughout Asia (lived in Japan for 4 years), Europe, South America, and some Middle East. Speak basic Japanese and Spanish. Went through the same program depicted in "Officer and Gentleman" (filmed while I was in the program) and served 4 years as a U.S. Navy intelligence officer. Found the Baja a few years ago and retreat to my home there to reboot by the ocean.
I've had my share of failures and successes personally and professionally. I'm very down to earth, unpretentious, financially autonomous with no debt. I live simply, well below my means. Overcame significant challenges early in life which enable me to persevere through difficult situations. I'm quite aware of my weaknesses and a few strengths. I'm not religious but am uncompromising on integrity, ethics, and humility. Though I live intensely, I've gradually learned the wisdom of karma and redirecting energy when a course is not meant to be. I think I understand the compromises necessary to make a relationship work.
I've worked in technical software sales for 20 years in the bay area focusing on leading edge data-related technologies. I tremendously enjoy the intellectual challenge. I currently manage worldwide technical sales for the cutting edge cloud computing business unit of a leading bay area software company.
I'm seeking a long-term, committed relationship.

Meet single man from Mountain View, United States. I think I have a lot to offer the right girl, I am personable, articulate, open minded, and supportive, I tend to spoil someone I care for, much as I can ... am very athletic, affectionate and passionate ... I am known for my sense of humor and keep people laughing; also a writer, wordsmith and native wit, poet and decent singer [I have a pretty cool karaoke story from Vegas, maybe when we meet] ... And I give high marks to women who actually know how to initiate or return calls, this seems to be becoming a lost art [;- ( I think it is the incurable romantic in me and my somewhat unusual empathy with women that makes me a unique catch ...
I play and have taught tennis, racquetball and billiards, and am an amateur astrologer [since the 80's; I'm a Sadge/libra/leo, for those who care or want to know]; also am an armchair expert and quite well read in arcane and inexplicable phenomena, for over 30 yrs. I work in national sales/marketing for Energy Mgmt. products & lighting for Grocery/Retail, and cutting edge nutrition products, with large chain accts., out of my home/office - my Corp. HQ is in Las Vegas. I hope [and it appears] that I will be semi-retired in 12-18 months and free to travel - wanna tag along ?
If you are bright, outgoing, silly-funny and sexy, a little adventurous and do what you say you will do, we are off to a good start ... and I tend to prefer semi-liberal and mentally versatile women, more in the Euro vein resonates with me ... Tunnel-vision and rigid outlooks on issues are too narrow for my more broad-minded approach -
I definitely am a multi-faceted fire-sign and enjoy women with energetic and caring personalities, who are sweet, responsive and fun to be around ... someone who I automatically want to do things for, buy little gifts, that shows me their heart is in giving and loving all the moments spent, that knows how to make me feel special to them, as they are to me ...
I try to work out daily, weights, bike and some swimming, pretty much an NFL fullback build, at my strongest lifetime right now - if you like skinny guys, next profile !! LOL I have also been active in nutrition/holistic/Asian medicine for many years now ... and have been the Go-to guy for relationship problems, have done a lot of couples counseling over the years, mostly successfully I think -
Like pretty much everyone here at this stage of life, relaxed companionship, good communication and reliability are a big deal ... we all need someone who resonates well with us on many levels, and is comfortable in our company when the silence just says I'm happy that you are here with me, thank God I found you ...
I know that we are all different - but I have heard that the combination of qualities I bring to the table is in its own category, which you may discover if we are lucky - take a chance, you never know, I just might amaze you ...

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a fun loving and hard working man, my dad told me to always work hard and play hard and i have done just that. I work in the medical field and I'm a certified massage therapist. I love trying new things and checking out new places. I grew up in Brooklyn NY, so I love going back there from time to time to visit family and friends.
I'm looking for a simple fun loving woman i can get along with, don't have time for drama. I also enjoy been at home with the fireplace crackling a glass of wine while watching an old Cagney or Bogart movie with good company. I don't do a lot of planning, I need help with that, I'm very spontaneous. If you think you can handle that give me a wink and or drop a line.