Date men from United States / Arkansas / Marmaduke, 56 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I do not do very well with talking about myself. However here goes! I do not have a lot of friends but the few that I do have I am very giving. Things that make me smile is seeing the person in my life happy. I will laugh with her when she does something silly! I am very gratefull for my two sons and my two grand children. I am looking to find someone that can be happy with the person she is with regardless of what we are doing. I want to be able to do a lot of things with you but that cannot always happen. So I want us to be happy just being with each other if there is nothing else going on. I want to find someone who can love me for who I am. I can be very outspoken, I travel a lot for my work, I can pout when I don't get my way ( I am doing better in this area). I like the outdoors, lake, fishing, hunting, most everything outside. I like to sleep very close to my partner. I still "HaHa" enjoy sex with my partner. Okay so how did I do?