Date men from United States / Arkansas / Austin, 56 year old

Date a man from United States. Would like to find someone who likes to have fun...and has the time and know how to establish a nice relationship....a woman who has taken good care of herself...a woman who can be sexy when she needs to be and is not afraid to be!...good figure...nice smile and easy going, happy, witty and laughing personality...someone who would like to go out with a retired Marine Corps fighter pilot and current Fedex pilot. I like to ride my Harley, so...a woman who would like to share in that and enjoys nice trips..I like to travel and explore the world..would like someone to share that with....seem to have the best times with ladies between 35-45 years...old enough to have experience and young enough to still get excited about and enjoy life!

Meet someone special from United States. I'm here just to see what's going on out in the real world. Haven't joined, may not. It depends on what I think the chances are of finding someone that matches my personality and lifestyle. I've been divorced for over 5 years now and I'm getting a little tired of the quiet.
Please take note - I'm really not trying to be rude but I'm still not a full-fledged member and can't read emails. I'm currently living in Jonesboro but will be moving for my job to the LR area in a couple of weeks. (Now moved.) For now, I've acquired a pair of cats instead (cheaper to maintain and slightly less demanding than humans). Like it or not, I'm still going to take a peek at the daily picks. I might be very interested if you have an ankh in bright lapis lazuli tattooed prominently on the bridge of your nose. Ooh...I'm all aquiver at the thought of that particular visual delight.

Date a soulmate from United States. It is all about COMMUNICATION!!!! My match is a lady who can 1st. and always be my best friend. She would be one that I can always trust and she me. A woman with whom I can totally be myself and she with me. Someone who will look forward to being back together after doing things separately. A woman that will laugh with me as well as at me. (I can laugh at myself). Just thinking of her puts a smile on my face. One who touches my heart and with whom I can grow more in love with as everyday goes by...I am a very passionate man, a sucker for romance, extremely loyal,tenderhearted,caring and always willing to give you my all. My faith and family are very important to me. I have an upbeat attitude and love of life. I have enough energy for 10 and can still be lazy with you, and if I am by myself and you wish to do something (even if I am watching tv) just ask...and watch how fast I getup and come with you!!! No ego issues...I can admit when I'm wrong (I even stop to ask for directions...) no one night stands... NOTE: This profile introduction was updated on matchMobile. NOTE: This profile introduction was updated on matchMobile. NOTE: This profile introduction was updated on matchMobile. NOTE: This profile introduction was updated on matchMobile. NOTE: This profile introduction was updated on matchMobile.

Meet single man from United States. Downhome and calm and funny. Into a meaningful relationship commited to each other and give each other room and support. Like rock n roll . I play the drums some as a hobby and self entertanment and my family as well.!! You wana come over n check it out !!??