Date women from United States / Arkansas / Menifee, 67 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am considered outgoing, honest, sincere and loyal. Have traditional "old-fashioned" values - I like having the car door opened for me, etc. -although I try not to be judgmental. Consider myself low maintenance and self sufficient since my husband's death and I would like to have someone to share with on life's journey.
Feel that I am a good listener and willing to make compromises. We don't have to do anything or go anywhere spectacular to have a great time, just being together and enjoying each others company is good. I would expect similar wants and qualities from you and try not to take my partner for granted. I don't and won't expect from you what I can't offer in return. I am not into "playing games" so what you see is what you get. Very few things in life are worth the drama and energy required to argue and I really try to be a patient partner, but we are not all perfect.
I would like a best friend who listens and hears what I am saying progressing to a serious relationship.
I am grateful for what I have and who I know as friends and my family. I try to live each day by the Golden Rule and at the end of the day, not to have caused any pain or hurt to another. I exercise 5 days a week at a local gym.
In general, I guess what I want is what everyone wants, someone to hold my hand, give me a hug and place value on our relationship

Meet someone special from United States. My recent retirement allows me more time to devote to someone special. I would love to meet an easygoing, warm, affectionate guy who knows how to treat a lady.
I enjoy intelligent conversations, traveling, museums, concerts, cultural events, dining out, movies, anything historical. I grew up by the ocean and have always loved beaches and boating. Since moving here from the Boston area 20 years ago, I have learned to love the mountains and deserts. I prefer quiet, scenic walks to strenuous hikes. I enjoy long drives, with or without a destination. I've done some RV touring. Traveling in the US is great, but I would also like to try international travel.
I like to explore new places, and meet interesting people. I love cuddling up and sipping wine on a beach at sunset or by a cozy fire at home. I'm ready for romance, but I prefer to take things slowly. Now that I don't have to dress for the office, I find myself preferring more casual dress.
I have a small, close, supportive family living in Boston and San Diego. I'm neither flirty, nor superficial. I warm up quickly with good-natured conversation. I'm well educated, but I acknowledge the wisdom gained from the school of life. I would prefer someone who is relatively physically fit, but not obsessed with exercise. A warm personality and easy smile is more important than classic, good looks. Honesty and sense of humor are essential. Also necessary, is that trust and mutual respect would evolve over time. I'm more likely to respond to emails than winks. I'd love to hear from you.