Date women from United States / Arkansas / Jonesboro, 68 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I love witty banter, fun firtation. Love working with my hands, curious, don't mind getting dirty, love animals, can't iimagine life without them. Enjoy most sports. I'm not into trying to change anyone, and hope that you don't need to try and change won't work, but more than willing to meet you half way.

Give each other space, we all need "ME" time. I have no baggage, just looking for a new start in life. My family is very important to me, they do not live close and I miss seeing them, so I put alot of time in at work. I hate being alone, looking for that one last love...someone to devote myself to, to enjoy life with. Trust and honesty is a must, can't build a future without it.
The type of man that I seach out should be a Gentlemen, respect all types of people, be comfortable in a Soup Kitchen with the Homeless, at a meeting with the President. Be secure enought with himself to let me walk beside him, not behind or in front. We are all different, teach me your ways, we will discuss mine and build a future from there.
My kids are grown, my GrandKids are grown, so I am free to do as I please, just need a partner to enjoy what life has to offer.
Gentlemen, I grew up on a farm, was in the fields working by the time I was 10 years old, I can bait a hook, get a fish off the line, clean and cook it, but if there is a snake within 100 yards of me, it will find me, trust me, I can walk on water, so I am not fond of fishing, I grew up hunting, but married a man that did not hunt, so it's been a while. I have never been camping, so I don't know if I would like it or not. I would enjoy the water as long as I am on it and not in it. LOL!!!!!!! Not a swimmer.