Date women from United States / Arkansas / Hot Springs, 47 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I've been off the market for a few years but here I am again. I am new to Hot Springs, but Arkansas is my home and I'm glad to finally be back home (btw, the two men in the photos here are my 6'1" and 6'3" children if you can call them children at that size, ha. The little kids are my niece and nephew).
This matching process is usually 60% disappointing, 20% horrifying and 20% exciting, so I'm just holding my breath and jumping in. Anyway, I've lived all over the place (including a couple of years in Turkey) but I'm finally home and do not see myself moving out of Arkansas again. I've spent the last twenty something years being all things to all people, so I'm really trying to start doing things that I want to do and not just the things that I have to do. I have even served my country (yes, that very young girl in the uniform is me) and I used to volunteer at a local shelter and foster puppies on occasion. I'm pretty low maintenance and easy going although I have an extremely warped sense of humor which is probably due to the fact that my only social interaction is with my 23 and 26 year old sons. I'm constantly told that I look much younger than I am which works because I feel much younger...perhaps it's just immaturity ;).
I don't drink anymore, but it's not due to a moral issue (alcohol gives me really bad headaches, so I finally just said "Forget it!"), but I don't mind if my partner drinks a little, as long as it doesn't interfere with day to day life.
I've recently reevaluated my priorities in life and am happier now than I have been in YEARS. My son called it "defragging my life," which admittedly is a nerdy computer concept, but is applicable. Sometimes we get so caught up in the chaos that we don't even realize that we're lost in the shuffle until we stop the noise and look around for the things that make us content and satisfied in life.
My kids are grown and I'm financially comfortable, so I'm not looking for someone to take care of me, just for someone to care for me. I want to find a man who makes my stomach drop when I see his name pop up on the phone and makes me laugh until I can't breathe. Someone who can carry on a two-way conversation, call on a whim for an unexpected dinner, but also set up a date in advance for a Friday or Saturday night so that I have something to get excited about after the long work week, someone who wants to go do something even if it's just a drive with no destination. Someone who is intelligent, easy-going, hilarious (preferably with a similarly warped sense of humor), non-judgmental and non-controlling. That's not too much to ask is it? As far as appearances go...well...I'd rather be with a man on the heavy side than a skinny one. I'm not a size 4 but I'm healthy. We are from Nordic stock and are just not a small people. I don't know what else to say, so if you're looking for a small girl, that's not me :). I'm also moderately tall and don't want to feel like a giant next to my date so the fact that I want someone taller than 5'8" is not a reflection on you, but rather, a reflection on me.
So. If none of that has scared you off and you would like to meet an attractive, intelligent, hilarious, spontaneous to a fault woman, then e-mail or wink at me and we'll see what we have in common.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I'm a real easy going person. I work hard,love my job. I don't like drama of any kind!! I love camping hiking and motorcycles. I don't have much of a social life right now but I'm trying to change that. I like to laugh and have fun. I would like to meet a man with a great sense of humor. A hard working real man who will spoil me rotten. I have several pictures, but they are in storage in oklahoma city. I'm not a troll or anything!! (lol) I've been told I look like a young Elizabeth Taylor. (He was drinking at the time! lol) I'm a girley girl. I love pedicures and manicures. I take very good care of myself.I'm a chemical engineer in the Aerospace field. So I get a little dirty at work, but I clean up real pretty!! I'm not into games or fakes. I like life's simple pleasures now days. And then there are times I fly by the seat of my pants. I just want to be happy and have fun while I still can. I Love to be romanced, Tell me sweet things,smile at me pretty and i'll be true blue. I was born and raised in colorado. moved to Oklahoma city to be closer to some family. I transferred here and haven't had a chance to get out and meet many people just yet. So now I'm trying this to see how it goes. These are the only pictures I have right now. I take lousy pictures!! I'm much prettier in person, I promise!! lol