Date women from United States / Arkansas / Mountain Home, 22 year old

Date a soulmate from Mountain Home, United States. My closest friends describe me as bright and excited but easily distracted at times.
I enjoy someone with a great personality who has a romantic side and is willing to pull out the romantic stops at least 2 or 3 times a week.
I'm proud of publishing a book on kindle and going back to school in the fall for my associates in arts.
I'm hoping to attract someone who is good looking, likes children honest, kind, non-homophobic and supports at least one cause to make the world a better place.
I'm not much of a social person when thrown into certain situations but once I get comfortable I flourish into a social butterfly.
I'm most passionate about equal rights for everyone. Love is love, It shouldn't matter your race or gender. You should be able to marry who you want.

Meet someone special from Mountain Home, United States. My closest friends discribe me as a fun and random person who enjoys making other people smile. I'm hoping to find someone who's honest and kind and can make me laugh. I have a sort of wacky work schedule right now that makes it a bit difficult to have much of a social life but i'm trying to change that. I'm looking for an honest and loving relationship with a person who is easy to get along with and not afraid to be a bit silly some times to have fun.