Date men from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 32 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm an out doorsman and like to be out side every chance get. I'm looking for someone that us an out doors file of person and loves to be in the moonlight and look at the stars and talk for hours and likes to watch the sun come up then go have a great brekfest then take them home and talk about our next date.

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. Pretty laid back guy who easily gets along with most types of folks. Definitely self motivated when it comes to my career and life.
I like to watch a couple shows at theatres now and then and, I also like going to a sports bar and watching my favorite team(s). Hanging out with my friends and family is one of my favorite things to do as well. However, after a long week at work, I just kick it and chill for a while watching my favorite show or holler at my friends :)
My perfect/ideal match would probably be a lady who respects me for who I am and would push me to be a better individual. She would be my rock and best friend. Someone I could come home to and share my day with and hers with me. Someone who really desires a family eventually.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. Just laugh and smile at the world. This is how I live....I try to see the bright side of every situation and take each day as it comes. I'm confident about who I am and what I want in life.
This is my first time living in the south...I'm looking forward to the winters in Arkansas.
I am no artist, but appreciate all it has to offer, often losing myself in film and music. A piece of music or a movie are truly great when you are completely lost in their message, not aware of time.
"If you need me, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?... Just put your lips together and blow."
That is from one of my favorite films of all time: To Have and Have Not. It's Lauren Bacall telling Humphrey Bogart how to get her attention....probably the most sultry moments ever captured on film.
A woman like Lauren Bacall is my perfect match. Someone who is confident and strong. Someone who knows how to be a woman and isn't afraid to show it.

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. Hmmm. Well I'm mostly doing this because I just want to see what else is out there. I don't really get a lot of chances to meet women. I don't really go out to bars anymore because...well it's just not for me. I don't think a bar is a good place to meet somebody anyway. First and foremost...I'm a Christian and seeking a Godly woman. That means a lot to me. I want someone who can encourage me and hold me accountable. I want someone who can share in my walk as we grow together in Christ.
I am an Arkansas boy. I've lived here all my life and I love it here. I'm very close to my family and thankfully I get to see them all the time.I work at a fitness store called Your Total Fitness Shop and I've been here for nearly seven years now. I love to read and I love to watch movies...usually at home, but the theater is nice too. Fitness is very important to me, and I really like a girl who feels the same way. I want a woman who is confident and competetive, but not afraid to let me spoil her. Sense of humor is really important. I like a girl that's optimistic and energetic. She needs to be smart...yet have a goofy side too. There's a lot more, but I'm tired of typing.

Date a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. My friends and family would say i am the type of person that likes to have fun. I love to travel a matter of fact, there's nothing better. I have a 5 year old son that's my everything. He lives in Las Vegas with his mother that i recently divorced. I worked in corporate america, ran my own business and worked at the # 1 luxury hotel in the world until i discovered what truly makes me happy and that's barbering. I'm looking for a lady that is humble yet beautiful...down to earth, funny, in shape, spontaneous, spiritual, thoughtful, and someone i can take home to my family.

Meet a man from Fayetteville, United States. I am 31 years old, i am single, and i live in Bethel Heights, AR. I enjoy sports and just about anything outdoors. I like to think that i can enjoy anything if Im with the right people. I have not yet done the dating website thing so i thought that i would give it a shot. I am looking to meet interesting people that i might not otherwise meet.

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. Here's me, in a nutshell, as honest as I can deliver it, and I'm only stating the points that have really shaped my personality.
I had a rough upbringing in Little Rock, Ar which resulted in turning from a straight A student to a burnout. I was put out on the street not long after graduating HS, and joined the US Army, where I thrived. I started my career in the president's ceremonial unit out of Arlington, Va. The highlight of my career was serving as a member of several elite task forces in Afghanistan. I was discharged medically last year for bad knees, and a ruptured Achilles tendon, even though those injuries have never slowed me down.
I've worked a variety of different jobs, and fortunately I can now call myself a jack of all trades, though still a master of none. I work full time, and will be starting into a full time college program in thermal physics next spring.
A little bragging... now age 32, I'm more active than most of the college students I meet, I look much younger than my age (they were right, being a late bloomer has advantages MUCH later in life), I'm mentally sharp, a good conversationalist, and knowledgeable on a wide variety of topics, from politics and religion down to math and science. Though I've been damaged goods before, and I understand what it looks like, I have no ties or any emotional baggage right now. None. I'm just trying to meet someone that I can get along with so maybe I can find some again, lol.
What I'm looking for.... Let me be brutally honest, as this is my 4th re-write, and I don't think I've ever conveyed that properly.
I want someone that's energetic and active. A little gym time doesn't hurt, but its not something I consider essential. If you're "average," then you're probably good to go. If you're average by societal standards, you're obese and I would never date you. If you go to work and find yourself too tired to do anything at the end of the day, not my type. If you're idea of a great day off is sitting in front of the television all day, not my type.
I'd love to meet someone that's not emotionally clingy. Have met a few that are simply looking to fill the void from their last ex. No thanks. I have virtually no prejudice to drug users, at long as its pot... I want nothing to do with any meth heads or alcoholics, period. (bad past experiences)
If your entire life revolves around yourself and your goals, you're not my type. I could care less whether you make 10k a year, or if you're a millionaire. Someone with just a bit more depth than their own personal well being would be refreshing. I guess I should add that I'm not motivated well by money
To summarize, I'd like to meet someone that takes care of themselves, is intelligent, energetic, well spoken, thoughtful, concerned for others, and smart enough to think for themselves. I don't think that its asking too much, and I won't settle for less.
(Author's Note... I'm not a snob. I get along well with almost everyone I know, I can have an intelligent or mindless discussion with almost everyone. I have friends from all walks of life, from the rich to the poor, police to the criminals. I've dated, seriously or otherwise, women of a variety of races, creeds, and colors, and I honestly can't say that I have no preference. However, I'm not on this site just to meet some new friends, I'm looking for someone that I can date and maybe find something serious with. That being said, please take no offense to anything. I'm not here to make anyone self conscious.)

Meet single man from Fayetteville, United States. im loveing,careing,giving,fun to be aroud very open minded , im funny i love to make people laugh ,im hard working just love to smile and enjoy live ,and most important is my kids they are awsome im alucky dad my boy lives with me full time and i get my girls for the summer

Date a soulmate from United States. I like to make the most out of situations and can be spontaneous sometimes. I am hard working and am very loyal to my friends. I was born in upstate NY and grew up in Tulsa. My ideal match must like to have fun and be easy going and mature!

Meet a man from United States. I'm a nice guy who is looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. someone who likes to travel and wants to start a family. someone who likes to cuddle and watch a movie but also wants to get out and do things.

Date someone special from United States. I am a nice guy and looking for a nice educated girl. I like traveling and playing sports. I enjoy watching romantic comedies and sports movies. My favorite tv show is the office. I lie girls who are hard working and smart.

Meet single man from United States. I am not sure what I'm looking for, but I don't think that means I should not look. I enjoy meeting people and getting to know them, i have many friends, but am kinda wanting someone to be a bit closer with. I would like to meet some people and see if anything clicks...